Special Needs

special needs (3)
We all have needs and children require more needs than adults.  Children are all special.

Looking at this photo not knowing who drew it, I would say it’s very well done, much better drawn in comparison to me. Having very little creative brain, I can learn from the artist, drawn by a  child, a special need child I heard. Who would know?

As far I am concern, this is a child with special talent.  Definitely a child’s drawing with special needs; education.

After Labour Day is first day back to school, unfortunately it’s not going to happen due to ongoing dispute between BCTF and government. I can only hope that the children will receive all the need they can while school is out of session.

I am happy and I always will be.


This gallery contains 1 photo.

   Totem Pole Mother is the Beaver because she is hardworking, looking after the children, cooking, cleaning and everything else. Little sister is the loon because she goes up to her room and reads all by herself. Sometimes she goes … Continue reading