Let the game begins

When a child starts to discover little things, they are full of wonders.  One game I love playing with a child is: 
“Where’s your belly button?” 
“Show me your belly button.” 
Since the child does not understand words, the game turns into a “show and tell”. 
Exposing my belly and say: “See, belly button”. 
Doing it for at least three or five times, the child mimics and starts looking for his own belly button. 
Where is your belly button
 And the game begins….

I Spy With My Own Little Eye….

When a child starts to discover little things, they are full of wonders.  One game I love playing with a child is: 
“Where’s your belly button?” 
“Show me your belly button.” 
Since the child does not understand words, the game turns into a “show and tell”. 
Exposing my belly and say: “See, belly button”. 
Doing it for at least three or five times, the child mimics and starts looking for his own belly button. 
Where is your belly button
 And the game begins….