Stations of Life ~ As I See It

Viewer discretion is advised.  Graphic Contents.

Lent commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ.  In a Catholic world, meditating the Way of the Cross, the last moments on the life of Jesus Christ, is part of the tradition.  The Way of the Cross has fourteen stations.  The Passion, Mel Gibson’s movie made millions of dollars.  It’s very graphic.
Catholic means universal. One doesn’t have to be a Catholic to understand these Stations of the Cross.   These stations include all religions and belief system on Earth.  How would you as a person or organization or leader build a better world, a caring place, and a safe environment. 
In a more global view, the fourteen stations could be depicted as follows: 

The First Station: Jesus Is Condemned To Death
Kevin CarterChild&Vulture

   The Second Station:  Jesus Carries His Cross
~ Homelessness 

2.  Jesus carries His cross (2)

 The Third Station:  Jesus Falls the First Time
~ The Fall of Saigon

3.  Jesus falls the first time

  The Fourth Station:  Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
~ World Press

Samuel Aranda’s award-winning photograph of a Yemeni mother cradling her injured son

 The Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
~ Doctors Without Boarders

5.  Simon helps Jesus carry His  cross

  The Sixth Station:  Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
~ Haiti Earthquake Response

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

 The Seventh Station: Jesus Falls A Second Time
~ World Trade Centre 9/11

7.  Jesus falls a second time

 The Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Holy Women
~ Desmond Tutu

8.  Jesus speaks to the holy women

 The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time
~ Global Warming

9.  Jesus falls the third time

 The Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
~ Israel Occupation

10.   Jesus is stripped of His garments

  The Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
~ Child prostitution

11. Jesus in nailed to the cross

  The Twelfth Station:  Jesus Dies on the Cross
~ Abortion

12.  Jesus dies on the cross

  The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross
~ Japan earthquake

13.  Jesus taken down from the cross

  The Fourteenth Station:  Jesus is Laid in the Sepulcher
~ Lest We Forget 

14.  Jesus Is Laid in the Sepulcher
The world is in your hands, the future depends on you.  The choice is yours. 
Kýrie, eléison
Related article:

Mother Less Child


It’s Mother’s Day. I don’t feel like celebrating, not because my Mother has long since gone, not because I do not have children, but because of mother less child.

Every Friday, on the way home, at a corner street, I see a group of people with a baby stroller with no baby in it. Instead pictures of a baby inside of a womb occupies the stroller.  Out of curiosity, I asked  what is the purpose of their presence and jokingly asked where the real baby is?

“We are here to educate people.”

“About what? “


“Abortion? Why here?”

“See that building across the street?  Above that bank is an abortion clinic.”

It was shocking for me to hear that an abortion clinic existed in this area.

“We are standing outside the bubble zone.  By law, we are not allowed to protest in front of the building.”

We discussed about abortion for a good half hour while pedestrians passed by in a hurry to catch the bus or the train.  I walked away thinking which one of these women that just passed us by just walked out of the building  after an abortion.  I cannot tell.

“See those men on the other side of the street?  They are with us as well.  They are there to pray for the women and the aborted babies.”

“I will keep your group in my prayers as well as those women and the dead babies.” And I bid farewell.

With this whole incident, I reflected the life of Mother Mary who had an immaculate conception.  This is more of what if situation.

  • What if Mother Mary aborted the miraculous conception?
  • If she did abort the child, then there would be no Jesus Christ.
  • If there is no Jesus Christ, then there is no Christianity.
  • If there is no Christianity, then there would have no reverence for life.

I am thankful that Mother Mary said YES.


Prayer for Reverence for Life

Almighty God, giver of all that is good, we thank You for the precious gift of human life:
For life in the womb, coming from your creative power,
For the life of children, making us glad with their freshness and promise,
For the life of young people, hoping for a better world,
For the life of people who are disabled, teaching us that every life has value,
For the life of the elderly, witnessing to the ageless values of patience and wisdom.

Like Blessed Mary, may we always say “YES” to Your gift. May we defend it and promote it from conception to its natural end. And bring us at last, O Father, to the fullness of eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Stations of Life ~ As I See It

Viewer discretion is advised.  Graphic Contents.

Lent commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ.  In a Catholic world, meditating the Way of the Cross, the last moments on the life of Jesus Christ, is part of the tradition.  The Way of the Cross has fourteen stations.  The Passion, Mel Gibson’s movie made millions of dollars.  It’s very graphic.
Catholic means universal. One doesn’t have to be a Catholic to understand these Stations of the Cross.   These stations include all religions and belief system on Earth.  How would you as a person or organization or leader build a better world, a caring place, and a safe environment. 
In a more global view, the fourteen stations could be depicted as follows: 

The First Station: Jesus Is Condemned To Death
Kevin Carter

   The Second Station:  Jesus Carries His Cross
~ Homelessness 

2. Jesus carries His cross (2)

 The Third Station:  Jesus Falls the First Time
~ The Fall of Saigon

3. Jesus falls the first time

  The Fourth Station:  Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
~ World Press

Samuel Aranda’s award-winning photograph of a Yemeni mother cradling her injured son

 The Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
~ Doctors Without Boarders

5. Simon helps Jesus carry His cross

  The Sixth Station:  Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
~ Haiti Earthquake Response

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

 The Seventh Station: Jesus Falls A Second Time
~ World Trade Centre 9/11

7. Jesus falls a second time

 The Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Holy Women
~ Desmond Tutu

8. Jesus speaks to the holy women

 The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time
~ Global Warming

9. Jesus falls the third time

 The Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
~ Israel Occupation

10. Jesus is stripped of His garments

  The Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
~ Child prostitution

11. Jesus in nailed to the cross

  The Twelfth Station:  Jesus Dies on the Cross
~ Abortion

12. Jesus dies on the cross

  The Thirteenth Station: Jesus is Taken Down From the Cross
~ Japan earthquake

13. Jesus taken down from the cross

  The Fourteenth Station:  Jesus is Laid in the Sepulcher
~ Lest We Forget 

14. Jesus Is Laid in the Sepulcher
The world is in your hands, the future depends on you.  The choice is yours. 
Kýrie, eléison
Related article:

Stations of the Cross

Daily Prompt: My Hero! – When I grow Up, I want to be just like you!

Tell us about your hero.

When I grow up, I want to be just like you said my niece to me lovingly as if she was looking at an angel at a tender age of under 10 years.  Children don’t know how to lie, just yet, they are open and honest; children have 20/20 vision, they can see an angel.  Ah, such sweet innocence as pure as driven snow.

I felt so vain, I am her HERO.  HOLD THAT THOUGHT FOR A MINUTE! No, don’t even think about it, NEVER!  When you grow up, you are going to be YOU!

Modesty aside, I am the hero not just to my niece also to my nephews, other nieces and younger generations since I am Auntie Mame to them.  Now they are all grown up, matured and have a place on this earth, their views have changed.  I am pretty sure if I’ll ask them who their hero is, it won’t be me.  Oh well, such as life.

Turning that question inwardly: asking, musing, pondering, thinking, talking to myself; who is your hero, Lady? The answer, really honestly and seriously.  I can easily say that my Mother Lucia is my hero for she gave birth to me.  She fought for my life when I was being conceived in her tiny womb.  I should have not been born.  The fetus is self-abortive says the doctor.  You will lose the baby.  Mother has such great strong faith and determination.  She wants me to come into this world for she loves me.  She prayed hard to all the angels and saints; to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for her intercession.  Should my life be spared, Mother will name the baby after Her.  What?  How does she know if it will be a baby girl?  What if it’s a boy?  Our Lord of Perpetual Peter Pan?

TADA, fast forward, 55 years later. Here I am at WordPress, pressing the words about my hero.  Long have I been waiting for this moment to speak boldly who my hero is.  I must say I am a little bit concerned that I may be laughed at should I tell you the 5Ws of my hero.  But I will stick to the rule: WHO.

I have so many heroes, not just one. My heroes are those little things that we seem to take for granted.  My heroes are those that saved my life aside from my Mother Lucia.  The most recent episode in my life, they are Lady Bugs, Hummingbirds, mustard seeds.  They saved my life and sanity.  And I am sure there will be more little things to come.

All kidding aside, my real hero based on my faith is nothing but a little child, Baby Jesus Christ.  He saved not just my life. He came to this world to save the world and mankind. Should you want to know the story of Baby Jesus, Google it!

Mary’s Boy Child Jesus Christ (song)

My Hero: Baby Lord Jesus Christ

My Hero: Baby Lord Jesus Christ