Grade 5 Music Composition

Musical composition by Annelise Yates (Grade 5)

Musical composition by Annelise Yates (Grade 5)

The Impossible Adventure

Took a swim through the sea
In search of what could not be
Yet there within the waves
A whale with a friendly gaze

How does one chase a dream?
Itā€™s not an easy as it seems
Keep your eyes on the prize
Relax and enjoy the ride

I felt a long pull
To go where the whale might go
Followed it in a haze
And if I should fall behind
I focus right and fix my stride
After a while the going gets rough
As I try to keep my head above
My lungs on fire, my legs grow weak
Just as my chances are looking bleak
The waves turn grey like the sky
I know that Iā€™m going to cry

My eyes well up
And through the tears
I see the whale crystal clear
And in the distance I see a shore
It seems like something Iā€™ve seen before
Then and there I realize
The beach before my very eyes
Is the one I left behind


There are several exhibits (again) on display at work created by the students. Of all the exhibits, I admire this musical composition. Making a mental note, I must take a photo for show and tell. Of course, I know very well not to rely on my memory; it likes to procrastinate.

Yesterday afternoon, when I returned from my break, I was ready to take a picture but when I arrived the board was empty. I was so disappointed and I was muttering to myself. A couple of men and a girl must have heard me and they turned around. Told them my disappointment that the song I was admiring is gone!

ā€œAre you looking for this?ā€ One of the men said.

ā€œOMG! Thatā€™s it! Do you mind if I take a photo and share it in my blog?ā€ I was so ecstatic thatĀ all is well.

Forgetting my manners dues to excitement, I really should be speaking to the girl because itā€™s her composition. Regaining my composure, I addressed the man and the young lady at the same time, if itā€™s alright.

ā€œOf course.ā€ They gladly allowed me to take some shots.

Filled with gratitude with their kindness, I promised that I will send them a link of this post.

What an Impossible Adventure I had. Ā I am pretty sure as Annelies matures, there will be room for improvement in her creative mind.