“When God Created Mothers”


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When the Good Lord was creating mothers, He was into His sixth day of “overtime” when the angel appeared and said. “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around on this one.” And God said, “Have you read the specs on … Continue reading

A task for angels

z angelMany years ago lived a man who was able to love and forgive everyone he met.

Because of this, God sent an angel to talk to him.

“God asked me to come and visit you and to tell you that He wants to reward you for your goodness,” said the angel.

“Any favor that you desire will be granted. Would you like to have the gift of curing?”

“By no means,” answered the man. “I prefer that God Himself choose those to be cured.”

“And what about bringing sinners to the path of the Truth?”

“That is a task for angels like you. I don’t want to be venerated by anyone and serve as an example all my life.”

“I can’t go back to heaven without granting you a miracle. If you don’t pick one, you’ll be obliged to accept one.”

The man reflected a little before answering: “Then I want Good to be done through me, but without anyone noticing – not even myself, so that I don’t commit the sin of vanity.”

And the angel gave to that man’s shadow the power to cure, but only when the sun was shining on his face.

In that way, wherever he went, the sick were cured, the earth became fertile again, and sad people regained their joy.

The man traveled many years over the Earth without ever realising the miracles he worked, because when he was facing the sun, his shadow was always at his back.

In that way he could live and die without being aware of his own sanctity.

Source: Paulo Coelho Blog
Read more: Daily Mail ~ Paulo Coelho ~ Seeking Best Yourself

“Each One of Us Has An Angel”

From a very young age I always have had a belief in Angels, I have seen them and felt them close by when needed. 
My childhood was difficult with violence in the family then the split of the family. We all think of Angels as beautiful figures dressed in white with huge wings. One of my Angels was a child my age that used to come and sit with me on the edge of my bed. 
As I grew I got use to the Angels, I read up about them, learned about them. Each one of us has an Angel assigned to us on the day we are born.  This Angel is with you standing in the wings (no pun intended), waiting for you to ask help and that’s it. 
Now if you ask for £1million……… well tough. You are not going to get it, but if you ask strength at a particular moment then your Angel will be there with his/her arm around your shoulder. 
Please don’t ask me why children die, or people die in accidents or of cancers if they have Angels. I don’t know, these things happen and there must be a reason new-born babies have their first dream and then taken away from us, only the Almighty knows. I have asked that question many times as I have been in that situation. 
How to contact your Angel: first it’s a matter of trust. Trust your Angel to be there, then get yourself relaxed in a quiet room, no need for candles or incense, but if it will help you relax then do it. Close your eyes and ask your Angel to come forward and to tell you their name, now really listen with your ears, mind and especially your heart. You will hear their name; you will feel warmth, a comfort and joy. 
Then thank them for their name and ask them for help, over the next few days look for signs, feelings of comfort in your home and white feathers. 
It works for me. Have Faith, Love and Hope that’s all you need. 
by: Pete, My Sore Soul 
Pete, thank you for sharing your testimony. This is the comment of Pete from my post Do you believe in Angels.  Please direct your comments to him and feel free to visit his site,  My Sore SoulPete, please feel free to response to them.  Again, thank you.

Do you believe in Angels?

Do I believe in angels?  I do! 
There is no doubt in my mind that angels exist and never a day goes by in my mind that angels exist.  They could be in so many different forms.  When they do appear to me, in some way on another, the memory leaves an indelible mark in my mind. 
The Angels can send a real person to protect and serve the goodness of mankind.  They protected me and helped in my most dire need.  No question about it.  
If Angels exist so does the devil.  I know, for I have seen the devil on someone’s face.  There are unexplained situations that happened and I have no fear for the Angel of the Lord is with me. 
Being present to everyday situation makes me more open to the divine more so with the evil.  Not that I am discounting the negative effect in daily life, there are more goodness in the world. 
It’s the little things that go unnoticed that makes life bearable.  An empty field with a single daisy flowering amidst the rubbles and the weeds chocking the earth will brighten my mind.  This is a singular beauty that I notice as I routinely walk going to work and coming home.  The Angel opens my eyes to the wonder of ordinary life as I pray this: 
Angel of God
My Guardian, dear
To whom Gods love
Commits me here.
Angel of God Post AT Work

Angel of God Post AT Work

Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guide
Rule and guard.

Related Link: Sunday Snippet

Bells are ringing


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It’s wonderful to be woken up by the bells of Fatima first thing in the morning.  From the balcony of our hotel room, I could see the steeple of the Cathedral.  Every hour, the bell chimes the song of El … Continue reading