The Journey and the Dream still continues…


Twenty years ago, I made the first journey to Assisi on my own. I was young, healthy and carefree imitating the life of St. Francis, poor in spirit. Alone I was, I met a lot of strangers along the road. … Continue reading

Prayer for peace on Earth

Prayer for peace on Earth

Let us pray then, with all fervour for this peace which our Divine redeemer came to bring us.

May he banish from the souls of all people whatever might endanger peace.
May he transform all people into witnesses of truth, justice and brotherly love.
May he illumine with his light the minds of rulers, so that, besides caring for the proper material welfare of their peoples, they may also guarantee them the fairest gift of peace.

Pacem in Terris

  • How does the Lord want to transform me into a ‘witness’?
  • Can I be open to this as I ponder God’s Word today?

As we long for peace we remember our brothers and sisters of all faiths – and none – who share our longings.

Prayer of St Francis of Assisi

 Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me sow love.
Where there is injury; pardon.
Where there is doubt; faith.
Where there is despair; hope.
Where there is darkness; light.
Where there is sadness; joy. 
This sequence of prayer was offered in the early days of Sacred Space and has remained online since. There is always a call to us to pray for the world, bringing its changing needs before God.
  • You are welcome to offer your thoughts on these prayers here.
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If you want to live life free

If you want your dream to be
Build it slow and surely
Small beginnings greater ends
Heart felt work go purely.

If you want to live life free
Take your time go slowly
Do few things but do them well
Simple joys are holy.

 Day by day, stone by stone
 Build your secrets slowly
 Day by day, you’ll grow too
 You’ll know heavens glory.

Francis of Assisi

On this day ~ June Monthly Peace: Peace at Home

The body I inhabit is my home.
Where ever I go,
home comes with me.  
~~ 0 ~~ 
Birds are singing sweet and low
From the trees that gently grow
Soft and soothing breezes blow
On this lovely day. 
To the meadows there go I
To wander as the butterfly
How the flowers please me eyes
On this lovely day. 
I wish it could be always
Life is easy on such a day
I wish this peace on everyone
On this lovely day. 
On this lovely day
I wish this peace on everyone
On this lovely day. 
Song from Brother Sun, Sister Moon ~ Francis of Assisi 
While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart ~ Francis of Assisi

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Brother Sun, Sister Moon

I am drawn to the moon, the sun, the sky, the star
Mother Earth a home for all sentient beings
Brother Wind blows the clouds from the sky
Sister Water quenches the parched ground
Brother Fire lights the Way 
Call me a New Ager
This is how I started following
Brother Sun, Sister Moon 
Brother sun St. FrancisBrother Sun
And Sister Moon
I seldom see you
Seldom hear your tune
With selfish misery 
Brother Wind
And Sister Air
Open my eyes
To visions pure and fair
That I may see
The glory around me 
I am God’s creature
Of him I am part
I feel his love
Awakening my heart 
Brother Sun
And Sister Moon
I now do see you
I can hear your tune
So much in love
With all that I survey 
I am God’s creature
Of him I am part
I feel his love
Awakening my heart 
Brother Sun
And Sister Moon
I now do see you
I can hear your tune
So much in love
With all that I survey 

Music and lyrics by Donovan P. Leitch.

Related Links:

A Call to Service – On Peace

As part of human process, there are times it’s difficult to have an inward peaceful disposition.  If that is the case, for me, I look up to others and listen to what they are communicating to me. 
I listened to JFK’s famous Inaugural Address.  It was on this day, January 20, 1961.  And I quote “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” courtesy of Britannica.  To hear it, click on JFK delivering his inaugural Address. 
This speech is equally applicable to all nations, not just USA. 
I played this over and over to truly deeply understand based on my upbringing and personal belief.  I zeroed in on words that are meaningful to me: 
  • Prophet summons us
  • Call to Service
  • For all mankind
  • Rejoicing in hope, patience and tribulation
And I translate these to:
           God Calls me to be of Service For All Mankind.
           Rejoicing in hope with patience even in times
           of tribulation.
With this in mind, I part you with a Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.  He was just a man whom the Prophet Called him to be of Service for All Mankind, always rejoicing the Glory of God. 
Peace Prayer

Peace Prayer

 To listen to the melody play the YouTube.  It was recorded at the birthplace of Francesco in Assisi. Italy. 
Related Links: John F. Kennedy
Biography of Francesco di Bernadone born on 1181 by Wikipedia
Huffington post by: Bansi Kara – A Prayer for Teachers
St. Francis, Friend of Muslim Sultan of Babylon
Notes on Peace by Seeker
Delicate minds about being Peacemakers
World Peace Conference – Culture of Peace by Louise Diamond
We Can Make A Difference-Right Here, Right Now by Kozo
January Post for Peace by Grandmalin
B4Peace – Love thy Neighbor by sarahneeve
Peace be with you today and all days by Tracy
Bloggers4Peace -Everyday Gurus