Dream of a life time.

For ten days, the Sochi 2014 connected me with the whole world  and it was relatively exciting time of sportsmanship.  I was even surprised to see in Facebook that the Philippines joined in figure skating even if a medal is not in the plan, to be part of it is an honor.

I did not really watch any of the games, however, I kept my ears open to the daily news, the cheering of colleagues and poking my head in the office cafeteria to see who is watching the Olympics game.  I’ve read some controversies about gay right activist to animal lovers.  Olympics is such a political event no matter how they put it. We had our fair share in Vancouver 2010.

The Washington Post wrote a good article about this:

“In the end, it was the right thing for the Olympics to come to Sochi, for all the wrong reasons. If the Winter Games had been staged somewhere else, then we never would have seen this still-rising emblem of the “new Russia” — so visually spectacular yet suggestive of a vast chasm between potential and reality. Here’s hoping that the promise of Sochi will be real.”

The top ten:
top 10

So, what’s next?  Let’s see what will be the talk at the office at the water cooler, this will be interesting.


“Freshly” picked from my mind….


This gallery contains 4 photos.

“Freshly” picked from my mind….   Before, I forget (again), I better give more tokens of appreciation.     These tokens (awards) came from:   Shine On from Ordinary Girl’s Peculiar Blog Best Moment from Good Time Stories Rose of … Continue reading

One Little Candle

One Little Candle
Altar in Cuba

Altar in Cuba

It is better to light just one little candle,

Than to stumble in the dark!
Better far that you light just one little candle,
All you need’s a tiny spark!
If we’d all say a prayer that the world would be free,
The wonderful dawn of a new day we’ll see!
And, if everyone lit just one little candle,
What a bright world this would be!
Let’s all light one little candle,
Why stumble on in the dark?
When the day is dark an’ dreary,
And your way is hard to find,
Don’t let your heart be weary,
Just keep this thought in mind!
It is better to light just one little candle,
Than to stumble in the dark!
Better far that you light just one little candle,
All you need’s a tiny spark!
If we’d all say a prayer that the world would be free,
The wonderful dawn of a new day we’ll see!
And, if everyone lit just one little candle,
What a bright world this would be!
What a bright world 
This would be!
“We cannot be together in heaven unless we have begun to live so in this world.”  St. Jean Vianney
Related Link:

Courage of Ordinary People


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Every year, six ordinary people are awarded the Courage to Comeback Award.  The 2013 recipients are: Youth category is Lourenco:  Courage defined smiling teen Medical category is Cindy:  Rare congenital condition Addiction’s recipient is Thea:  Battle to get clean Mental Health … Continue reading

The nominees are: drum roll please…

Where would this writing take me?  It has taken a life of its own.  For some readers, it shined on them. 
Thank you gegebearbear of Two Rights Attempting To Make A Left for giving me the Shine On Award. 
“To me this award is for the blogs that shine, make you feel good and are inspiring to the reader. The blogosphere is a large place and there are so many blogs out there that deserve this.”
 1. Nominate 15 blogs, as well as recommend notable blogs that tickle your fancy.
2. I believe there were some questions to be answered, but I’m not sure. So, I plan to skip this part.
Today is a sunny day and it’s a good day to nominate writers who lifted up my spirits and bring out the goodness on me: 
The Shine On Award requires you to nominate other blogs To Enjoy Posting this Award on Their Own Blogs( list of 15 is below) and suggest other blogs that tickle my fancy.
The nominees are: (not necessarily in this order)
1.    mischievouseyez of my thoughts my life
2.   bellaremy of Hoof Beats and Foot Prints
3.   tkmorin of Bite Size Canada
4.    sakura and me of depressionexists
5.    layasna of Unfamous Diary of Pulubing Turista
6.   wileyschmidt of Wiley’s Wisdom
7.   prettywitgla33 of My life as a teen in college……
8.   Patricia of Today, I think…
9.   carldagostino of I Know I Made You Smile
10. grandmalin of Breathing Space
11. katecrimmins of Views and Mews by Coffee Kat
12. nrhatch of  Spirit Lights The Way
13. michelle w. of Daily Prompt
14. mroh of Comic Soul
15. mysoresoul of Photography, Pain and Life
And since the questions are missing after a thorough research about The Shine on Award, I decided to start one.  Just only one.  Tell us one thing about you. 
My answer is:  There’s always a song in my head and this song is for you all. 
Shine on.  Pax tecum, Seeker. 
P.S.  Please ensure that you notify your nominees.