More than what a genie can provide

When I injured my back due to work related activity, enter Workers Compensation Board (WCB).  
Having an exposure to WCB, I learned that this body has to work in an ergonomically correct environment in order to suite my needs.  The chair, the height of the desk, lighting, keyboard, etc. has to be measured.  It’s all fine and dandy; this body can find no comfort.  The constant pain reminds me that I am still alive and I am grateful for that.
Can the genie grant me new body?  I think not.  Therefore, a perfect space for reading and writing is a mere illusion.
However, I find the joy of writing in so many ways as long as I carry with me a small notebook.  I am a constant note taker.  There’s a box of notebooks or journals I’ve written on daily activities about the injury.  Oh well. 
Here’s a thought.  When I moved to Room 306, for reading and writing-table, all I had was a cardboard box, a 3×4 piece of wood and a chair.  I love this make shift table.  The kids used this as their drawing table.  One drawing is still on the table, the face of Calvin; hair all sticking up and the silly grin on his face.  This piece of wood still exist. 
As for the box, it’s gone.  I have to throw it out because of a silly squirrel.  
One sultry day, I left the balcony open.  I came home that the box was all chewed up because the squirrel is a climber and got into Room 306.  UGH.  My favourite table is now chewed into bits and pieces. 
Fast forward, no more squirrels and this is how my best place to write looks like.  With classical music in the background and the drapes wide open so that I could see the hummingbird, it’s heavenly.  More than what a genie can give.  Perfect.
Source: Nephews FaceBook

 This is in response to Daily Prompt: Writing Room.  Come and join us, it’s fun.

What Matters Most

For the sake of this prompt, these five items are all in my purse.  It’s a small card holder that has my identity: Driver’s License, Medical Card, Social Insurance Card and Credit Card.  In addition, I will put on my shoes, an outdoor coat and apartment keys.  These are what matters and all I need. As for the rest, material things can be easily replaced. 
In reality, summer 2005, I was lying flat on my back in the middle of the living room, playing with Maurice, the cat. Lying on my back is all I can do due to a work related accident, I was on health leave. My lower lumbar suffered soft tissue injury from lifting a heavy box.  Tsk-Tsk. 
Clang, clang, clang goes the fire alarm.  Now what?  This is exactly what I need!  Maurice was startled and went into hiding.  Cats are very sensitive creatures, they prefer quietude like me. 
I slowly got out of my back, heard the commotion outside.  I do not have a cage for the cat so I grab my backpack.  Looking for Maurice, I stuffed him in the bag.  Grabbed my bag with my identification cards in it, shoes and apartment keys I slowly left the apartment with Maurice.  
We descended down three flights, not an easy task for my back.  In the meantime, Maurice was screaming his head off in the bag and trying to pacify him that everything will be alright. 
Outside, everybody is gathered and five fire trucks are already in front of the building.  Commotion, chaos and we were looking to check if everybody is out.  Checked, everybody is accounted for. 
The firemen did their thing.  We stood outside in a warm sunny day, chatting, joking, exchanging pleasantries, and catching up with what’s happening with our lives to keep our mind off matters.  
It seemed like forever.  Finally, the firemen proclaimed, ALL SAFE – FALSE ALARM. Hooray, the crowd shouted, we all returned to our apartments and we lived happily ever after to date, especially Maurice, the cat.
What matters most

What matters most

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Burning down the house.  Come and join us, it’s fun.