
Attention everyone: Bullying Prevention just left a comment on Belshor blog: Your opinion is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Seeker.


I received the following comment yesterday.

I am asking as a favor to my followers that you change your picture, which is now an “EYE” I have 7 followers whom over the last month or so complained about the image, and are intimidated by this, or find it offensive, we at B.P are a family oriented site and expect followers to abide by our rules and regulations, meaning no offensive pictures or language. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.cheers and thank you.

Frankly, I am at a loss why a cat’s eye looks ‘intimidating. Or offensive. My readers, what do you think?
As you can possibly glean on my posts, I am a peace-loving individual. I believe in a compromise as long as it is fair to all parties involved, including myself.
I believe all…

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