Note from the thief: Lesson Learned

An anonymous thief placed a note on a children's bike they stole on Canada Day in an attempt to return the bike with its rightful owner. (Photo: Facebook)

An anonymous thief placed a note on a child’s bike he stole it on Canada Day in an attempt to return the bike with its rightful owner. (Photo: Facebook)  Source: Metronews

A Prince George boy is beaming after his bike was returned with an apologetic note two days after an anonymous thief took it for a drunken Canada Day joyride.

“Dear little boy or girl,

First and foremost, I am sorry for any grief I have caused in the last couple of days but I am now trying to return your bike to the proper home where it belongs.

You see, I stole your bike the other night purely out of selfish convenience and due to my state of inebriation, I cannot recall exactly which house it was in the vicinity of this neighborhood.

I think the lesson to be learned here is that you should NEVER leave your bike out in plain view where drunken fools like myself can easily snatch it for a quick (and surprisingly fun) ride home.

Anonymous Bike Thief”

Mother’s response:
“Dear anonymous bike thief,” she wrote. “Thank you for your attempt at making it right. My son has been miserable since he discovered his bike missing. Thanks! A soon to be happy boy’s mama.”

Source: Metronews