Oh, just a little snack.

My mouth is hungry but my stomach is full. What can I snack on? There are so many edibles in the fridge, pantry, bedside, living room and tabletop. But nothing that looks palatable to sink my fangs.

What I’m craving for is Korean chips with simulated flavour of shrimp or crab. Oh, Asian goodies. I love the savoury selections.

Speaking of crab, it reminds me of the word curmudgeon. What it means is a cranky old man.

Yesterday I was eavesdropping to these two passengers on the train. Well, actually everyone could hear them but you have to understand their language. I do. They are Filipinos. Have you ever heard them talk? They are loud as if they are yelling.

The man said that as he gets older he is becoming so crabby, Easily irritable. Then the conversation shifted fast to food.

Food. Now we are in a better mood.

What snack would you eat right now?