Prose and Pixels

Communicating online is a love or hate situation. It comes with the cliche the good, the bad and the ugly.

It was such a relief when email was introduced around 1996. Emails cut down my work and faster. The group voicemails were replaced with group emails. It was great for work. Fast, efficient and effective.

Fast forward, the world is littered with various apps for online communication. Needless to say, my style of connecting is constantly evolving. It’s an Art. It can be humorous. Or just a complete bullshit. Most of the time, I write directly to the point. Devoid of emotions. A learning process.

On the other hand, security is on the top of the list. I thread carefully.

“How do I love thee, let me count the ways…” as Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote.

In response to in what ways do you communicate online?