Coming to Terms

Pride?  There is no pride when it comes to having a peaceful relationship. It’s easier for me to shallow my pride: it’s not Forgivenessfattening.  I will be the first one to say I’m sorry in order to make peace even though I am very much aware that it’s not my fault nor it’s anyone’s fault.  Pointing a finger does not help.

How many times do I have to apologize?  Once, twice, thrice or maybe 7 times 7 as the good book says.

Word, ancient word I used now has meaning that is entirely different.  What do I know about English definition? Can I not use the phrase “Are you happy and gay?”  Gay is no longer a good word today, apparently not for it has offended the other person.  The word “gay”  has a negative connotation.

Apologize if I must, face to face.  Follow it up in writing.  “I apologize for making you feel awkward and I am sorry that it hurt you. What can I do to make you feel better?” Still that is not enough.  Apology not accepted and I have to bring it to the light and tell the people who are in a position.

I feel condemned.  I know the matter is not over and it will come back to me like a freight train.  The train came; I jumped into it and pushed the brake as hard as I could.  But the damage is done.

In the end, in front of the judges, I said “I forgive you for not being able to forgive me.”

“Come to terms quickly with your accuser while the two of you are on the way to court, or your accuser may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison.  Truly, I tell you, you will never get out until you have paid the last penny.” ~ Matthew 5. 17-37

Painting:  The Father’s Love by Lyn Deutsh via A-MUSED
Dearest Daughter and February 2014 Monthly Peace Challenge


Candle in Spain: November Peace Challenge


This gallery contains 3 photos.

Spain is filled with churches and we tried to stopped by in most of them, time permitting.  When I enter a new church, they say make a wish and your wish will be granted.  I have three wishes and I pray it all … Continue reading

January 6, 2013 Notes to file: On Peace


This gallery contains 3 photos.

Returning from 2012 Pilgrimage, I applied something I learned.  I changed my signature sign off with Pax Tecum and sometimes added this characters _/\_ .   Pax Tecum is a Latin word for Peace Be With You.  It was quite funny because … Continue reading