It’s All About The Genes

It was St. Patrick’s gathering, most of the second generations were present and all of the third were there.  It’s an opportunity for me to take pictures of the younger generations. 
Caught them playing monopoly in the bedroom and asked if I could take a picture of them.  
“NO!  We are playing” they responded in concert.
“It’s really important and it will only take a second.  Besides, I just want to take a picture of your legs.” 
Now they are curious what Auntie Crazy is up to.  So they oblige. 
Then I explained to them what the picture is all about.  The title is “It’s all about the Genes.”
“Jeans as our pants?” one smart child asked.
“That’s a good way to put it.  It sounds the same but spelled differently.” I said. 
Of course the younger ones do not understand but a couple older second generations understand my cryptic title. 
“G-E-N-E-S, Genes. It means we all came from the same blood or DNA” I said.
“D-N-A?” said the wee one.
“Never mind, let’s stick with the blood.” 
“We all came from the same blood.  Your mother came from your Nana.  Your Nana is my sister.  Nana and I came from Granny.”  I explained and they seem to get a better understanding. 
“Now, sometimes, there is something wrong with the blood that is pass from one person to another.  Meaning, there’s something wrong with me but some of you might not get what’s wrong with me.  And some of your Uncles, Aunties and Cousins might have something wrong with them, too.  For example, depression.”  I further explained. 
“Depression, you mean crazy or weird?”  A naïve question.
“Yes, when you feel weird or acting crazy, it might be a sign.  And do not be scared of talking about feeling weird or crazy because there is always help.  You have to let us know because we are here to help.  Do you guys understand?”  I said. 

All about the Genes

All about the Genes
 “Yes, can we go back to playing the game?” 
End of lesson on Genes 101.