Still Life

What’s inside our skull? Is it our brain or our mind?

This is a real brain floating in liquid to keep it intact as a specimen, and undoubtedly it’s not mine. Our brain is divided into two hemispheres and it contains billions of neurons. The brain plays a crucial role in our motor and sensory roles.

Our brain enhances our capacity for intellectual thoughts, planning, decision-making, survival and instincts based on past experiences. It can transcend beyond the intellect and delve into the realm of the unknown.

Without the brain; language, consciousness, memory, abstract thoughts, art, philosophy, and religion do not exist.

The staggering complexity of a human brain as it begins to develop from infancy to adulthood remains a mystery.

Inside my brain, inside of my mind, I have a human hunger that I cannot grasp.  Is God just a perception generated by my brain or is it wired to experience the reality of God?

Still, no one can answer this to my satisfaction when it comes to science.  It is all a mystery.

“The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true science. He who knows it not and can no longer wonder, no longer feel amazement, is as good as dead” ~ Albert Einstein.

These photos were taken during one of my travels. It’s an exhibition of brain/mind/human. Location? It escaped my mind.

Take your happiness out for a walk


This gallery contains 1 photo.

According to The Bright side,  “This is what happiness really looks like: Molecules of the protein myosin drag a ball of endorphins along an active filament into the inner part of the brain’s parietal cortex, which produces feelings of happiness.” … Continue reading

Brain Freeze


brain freeze

National Geography Your Shot by: Becky Hale

 I’ll see you in September
When summer is gone
Remember to
Have a good time

“It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them
—the character, the heart, generous qualities, progressive ideas.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821 – 1881) Russian novelist

Inside my mind: A human hunger


This gallery contains 5 photos.

What’s inside our skull?  Is it our brain or our mind? This is a real brain floating in liquid to keep it intact as a specimen, and undoubtedly it’s not mine.  Our brain is divided into two hemispheres and it … Continue reading

Self-Disclosure: Doodling my way through CBT

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.” 
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has three components thoughts, behaviour and emotions arranged in a triangle.  These are important factors in personal change.  The three sides represent the three aspects of my lives.  When one side of the triangle changes the rest also change.  When I change my way of thinking, I will act and feel according to my thoughts.  When I change my emotions, my actions and thoughts will change.  When I change the way I do things, then my thoughts and emotions will alter.


Sounds easy, right?  Not really.  In order for me to understand the psychology of CBT, I thought of three words that is the driving force of my whole being. These are faith, hope and charity.  Drawing the same triangle, I came up with this.

Theology of CBT

Then I incorporated the whole thing based on what works for me to get better.   I called this new and improved diagram the Theology of CBT.

CBT Combo

Of course, this is just for me doodling my way through a ten-week CBT course.

When CBT first came out in Vancouver, I was one of the guinea pigs.  I volunteered to be one of the subjects.  It helped me tremendously as well as the Faculty of Psychiatry.  Of course, familiarity breeds contempt.  I thought I got it all made and don’t need to carry on with the “experiment” to myself.  Soon, I fell out of practice and old habits returned; automatic thoughts.

Automatic thoughts are similar to a movie; a constant rewind of a scenario mostly negative.  I counted how many times an automatic thought came up in a given minute.  There are 60 seconds in a minute, I must have thought of it 100 times.

I took the course the second time around two years ago and the modules have much improved as well as the therapists.  The therapists are better trained, the doctors are well versed with the course and there are more participants.  I speak highly of this course for anyone who needs to “get” a hold of their own well-being.

I never called this disease as “mental” disorder.  I vehemently argue about this terminology.   I know it is a disease of the brain and I waited a long time for someone to speak about this until I heard in TED “Understanding of mental illness.”  This is a big relief for me.

Going deeper to doodling, a new diagram arose based on my love for trees and gardening.  This keeps me grounded.

cbt nature

Finally with all these knowledge and training, I realize that medication tremendously helps.  There’s nothing wrong with taking medication.  Insulin is for diabetics to control the disease taken for the rest of their life.  No stigma on that.  Antidepressants work well for my brain to balance the serotonin level taken for the rest of my life so I may live to the fullest.  Nothing wrong with that!

Hey, I don’t think that way….

Heavy graded lenses, my eyes can see all the visible surrounding changes
drums of my ears can still hear the faintest whistling of the hummingbirds
Tasty morsels I can still taste with the buds of my tongue
olfactory nerves will follow the aroma of night blossoms. 
Not too concerned that there are laugh lines on my face
artic colour hair adds beauty and wisdom to black hair
Slow moving walking motion gives me more time to relax
speech will slow due to slower thinking process 
Thanks to my brain, these senses still register
As time goes by ~
the brain will deteriorate due to ageing process 
Apr 14, 2012 my brain

This is one thing I cannot see
~ My Brain ~
for the change is very gradual

next is the brain

Charity begins at home
My heart is the best organ of my body, next is the brain
The best garden booster, Black Earth Soil
There are seven energy centres in our body which is called “Chakras”.  When I meditate, what is best for me is to connect the point in my head (brain) with my heart (home). 


The heart is for compassion, the brain is for intuition.
And here’s a song  I’m always going home.

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Free Association. It’s fun, come and join us.