The Lady and the Bugs

Welcome to my garden. It’s an oasis for bugs.

“Bugs never bug my head. They are amazing. It is the activities of humans which actually bug me all the time.” – Munia Khan

As a constant gardener, I could spend hours looking for what’s hidden behind the leaves, under the rocks, or pile of leaves.

Jasmine Shrub

The Jasmine shrub is in full bloom. The scent permeates the surrounding. One can’t help but smell the flowers. I’ve seen passerby enjoying the aroma.

“Only bugs can truly appreciate the beauty of flowers” – Dov Davidoff

The Jasmine plant blooms biennial. Not only it’s a people magnet, it’s a sanctuary for bugs and I keep it that way.

“Bugs are not going to inherit the earth. They own it now. So we might as well make peace with the landlord.” – Thomas Eisner

When I started nurturing this shrub back to life, most of the unwanted aphids took residence here. Hardly any bugs in other plants in the garden.

“It’s important to reinvent yourself often, because if you don’t, someone else will and squash you like a bug.” – Blackbear

This is one happy lady bug having a happy meal. I think there’s an orgy of bugs here. June bugs and stink bugs are here. The cats are having a field day in the balcony trying to catch them. Thank goodness, I have a screen door. It doesn’t really stop the flies, wasps, mosquitoes and bees from entering my place. The cats know how to open the sliding screen door.

For a happy ending, the management of The Manor is successful in eradicating bedbugs. That was traumatic for all residence.

We can all relax and enjoy life around the world now. The real c-bug is downgraded to just a regular virus.