
How can a painting of Caravaggio makes one wise?

Entombment by Caravaggio

We are none the wiser when we know that many are still. being crucified in some form.

The antidote for living in a world of visual noise and occluded seeing is, according to Pieper, creating and viewing works of art. Artists as well as viewers of art linger over the intricacies of human life—including all of its pain and hurt. The unhurried gaze and leisurely lingering over a work of art provide room for reflection, insight, healing, and wisdom. – A. Trevor Sutton

What do you see? Spellbinding masterpiece door that led me to Caravaggio.


A glimpse of blue sky, a wisp of clouds, birds, cathedral and concrete buildings is what I see in painting along the hallway wall of Malta’s airport.  Looking at the mural makes me want to run outside and feel that … Continue reading