My hand in contrast with …

contrast hand to mouth

I know that in many things I am not like others, but I do not know what I really am like.

contrast skin to fur

Man cannot compare himself with any other creature; he is not a monkey, not a cow, not a tree. I am a man. But what is it to be that?

contrast skin to skin

Like every other being, I am a splinter of the infinite deity, but I cannot contrast myself with any animal, any plant or any stone.

Only a mythical being has a range greater than man’s. How then can man form any definite opinions about himself? ~  Carl Gustav Jung

Dream Symbol

In my case Pilgrim’s Progress consisted in my having to climb down a thousand ladders until I could reach out my hand to the little clod of earth that I am. ~ Carl Jung

This is a painting I find interesting at Masqua’s Art  produced by Antonie H. Los, an artist based in southern Ontario.

The dream symbols are often what is remembered just prior to becoming fully awake and I’ve been fascinated by such things quite a long while. Normally it’s just a scene… confusing and rather imponderable, but I’ve read too much CG Jung to discount these little messages from the unconscious out of hand.

The first is a tree in full leaf, but the view is both above and below ground. Underground, the tree trunk turns into a two-headed snake. Not sure what I’ll be calling the piece, but it does have elements of the caduceus (the symbol for medical practitioners). What it might mean to me, I have no idea, but I felt prompted to paint it anyways.

There are other paintings in this website that appeals to me.  Since I am fairly new in appreciating artwork produced by students, I am still learning how to understand how come I find them it fascinating.

Take a peek at his artwork and see which ones you find appealing.

Related Link: Masqua’s Art

Silent Retreat – Mandala

What:           Create a Mandala
Where:         Convent of the Cenacle Sisters
When:           May 27, 1995
Who:             Age 19 and over
Why:             Reflect on your Mandala 
Prerequisites: Silent and prayerful heart 
  •        Guided prayer and meditation
  •        Round piece of board
  •        Old magazines
  •        Scissors
  •        Glue
  •        Start with prayer
  •        Listen with your heart
  •        Use active imagination
  •        Quiet your mind for 10 minutes
  •        Collect magazines
  •        Quietly cut up any pictures from the magazine
  •        Glue the pictures on the round piece of board
  •        Remain quiet when you are finished
  •        End with a prayer
Wheel of Life: Mandala (Man and His Symbols: Carl Jung) 
Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life

“For an idea to take root,
Turn good intention into purposeful action
Only then will the idea grow and take on a life of its own” 

This is in response to Daily Post: Weekly Writing Challenge: Image vs Text

Being Born – A Gift

I know I am just passing through in this life, a pilgrim.  This is not my home.  I should have not been born as I mentioned in my post My hero.  
A lot of people had a surreal experience.  It just a matter of being aware or in tuned to what is happening in your body and out of your body. 
To cite an example, when I was just a little girl, I was having an afternoon siesta.  It’s a requirement that children must have a good afternoon rest.  My older siblings will ensure that we take a nap. 
As I lay asleep, I was looking down at my body sleeping like a baby and my other self is up on the ceiling attached by a golden thread.  It was scary for a mere child and I said to myself, bring me back to my body, Now!  Whump!  I’m back, opened my eyes, felt a tremendous headache.  That was my first awareness. 
It happens all the time, I just have to keep myself grounded otherwise, I will be floating in air.  People call me crazy, who cares.  It’s a gift.  It’s nothing new.  Look at all those great people such as Carl Jung, William Blake, Gopi Krishna, Padre Pio, Dag Hammarskjold, etc. who have such gift. 
Let me share with you what Dag wrote titled Markings: 
I don’t know who or what put the question
I don’t know when it was put
I don’t even remember answering
But at that moment
I did answer Yes
To Someone or something
And from that hour
I was certain
That existence is meaningful
And that, therefore my life,
Is self-surrender
Had a goal. 
Think about this. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Surreal.  Come and join us, you’ll discover who you are.