See how easy it is!


A very simple ordinary sketch and yet it makes sense. What do you think?

Instead of expecting more, we try to show appreciation for what we already have. I know some people find it easier than others to express that gratitude. But that doesn’t mean we can’t all benefit from feeling a little thankful. So, over the next few weeks, I’m wondering what will happen if you find one thing to be grateful for each day.

It doesn’t have to be gratitude for a big, life-changing event. Look for the little things, then take a minute to see how you feel immediately afterwards. For just that moment, I suspect life will look a little brighter.

I bring up gratitude now because we’re living in world that seems overly focused on things that get in the way of it. It’s not so much a case of reminiscing for the “good ol’ days” versus today. Rather, I’ve become more convinced over time that many of our most common financial problems stem from too little awareness about what we already have. Part of building that awareness includes showing gratitude.

Source:  Carl Richards of Behavior Gap accidental artist with the help of a Sharpie and the belief that complex ideas can be made easy to understand writes at The New York Times.