Sometimes You Just Need To Take A Break

To keep things in perspective: ” I remembered why I started blogging in the first place. It wasn’t for numbers. It wasn’t for business or money. It was all for myself and for my everyday moments of happiness, sunshine and gratitude; it was for sunrises and sunsets; for love and family. It was for friends and joy. “

Celebrating Sunshine


I’ve been very busy for the past three weeks. I changed the theme of my blog, I read and collected blogging resources and I created tens of folders on my computer. I’ve also learned about working with pictures and Picmonkey. I created a Facebook page and made friends in some blogging groups. Creating a Facebook page, exchanging “likes” with other pages and interacting with Facebook groups of fellow bloggers is time-consuming. It is almost addicting.

So instead of writing posts, I was doing everything else. I’ve felt like I was always behind (and I really was behind), and always writing my posts in the last minute right before publishing them, having no time to read them over and eventually revise and edit them.
I knew I had to be more organized. I wasted too much time on Facebook. I wanted to create a schedule and I hoped to have, let’s…

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