The Fall of Autumn – For Hue

Another guessing game of weekly photo challenge while I am out and about.  Here I am creating my theme again: the falling leaves of autumn taken last year 2012.

Fall is a lovely time when the leaves turn to many shades of colours from yellow to dazzling red.  When every leaves look like flowers and the trees became so excited in showing off it’s majestic structure.

Who cannot fall in love with the fall season.  It’s enough to bring ones senses to heightened awareness that I am nothing in front of these trees and it is a humbling experience.

Trees planted at Metrotown Shopping Centre.

Trees at the School Board and the path of golden leaves.

Trees on the boulevard of East 12th Avenue and painted red sidewalks covered with fallen leaves



“It is only her in large portions of Canada that wondrous second wind, the Indian summer, attains its amplitude and heavenly perfection, — the  temperatures; the sunny haze; the mellow, rich delicate, almost  flavoured air: Enough to live — enough to merely be.”  –   Walt Whitman, Diary in Canada

As we think, so we become

The thought manifests as the word;The word manifests as the deed;The deed develops into habit;And habit hardens into character.So watch the thought and its wayswith care,And let it spring from loveBorn out of concern for all beings.As the shadow follows the body,As we think, so we become.—Guatama Buddha, DhammapadaPhoto Credit: H.H. The Dalai Lama from sapru on flickr.
The thought manifests as the word;
The word manifests as the deed;
 The deed develops into habit;
 And habit hardens into character.  
So watch the thought and its ways with care,
And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.
As the shadow follows the body,
As we think, so we become.

—Guatama Buddha, Dhammapada


Photo Credit: H.H. The Dalai Lama from sapru on flickr.
Source:  Parabola Magazine

Mother’s vs. Father’s Day

In May, we celebrated Mother’s day.  On June 16, it will be Father’s day celebration. 
I just don’t understand these kinds of celebrations.  Why not just have one BIG celebration and call it Parent’s day.  But of course, because of the nuclear family, there could be just one parent.  That could be a Mom or a Dad since there are so many single parents today. 
Also, parenthood could mean Mom and Mom or Dad and Dad.  It’s not so simple anymore. 
Actually, I am a bit perturbed about this.  
There is no Auntie Day.  None!  And that is just not fair at all. 
When it come to advertisements, paying attention to these pictures, they don’t make sense to me. 
Mother's Day Ad

Mother’s Day Ad

For Mothers – “I wouldn’t be me if you hadn’t been you.  Thanks, Mom.”  Mothers carry the eggs; Fathers carry the sperm.  Doesn’t it take millions of sperms in order for me to become me?  How many sperms fought and died in the process in order to form me?
Father's Day Ad

Father’s Day Ad

For Fathers – “This Father’s Day, get Dad brewing.”  I think this is how men became alcoholics.  This ad is a sobering truth. 
To all Fathers, have a fun-filled day.   Happy Father’s Day.


And this is my one and only picture of my Father.

The Great Escape

With all the good intentions of seeing the progress of sweet Lucy, sometimes life goes awry and yesterday was a long day.

To escape how futile asking for an apology, I leave it behind and head out for a great escape.

One just has to look at the surrounding environment and soak in the beauty what it has to offer.  It is free for the asking.  It’s priceless.  I am off to follow the yellow brick road in Granville Island for a scavenger hunt.

Granville Island Public Market

Granville Island Public Market

Granville Island is a paradise. 

It has a market, buskers, picnic stations for private parties, and plenty of friends in the pond.  There is family of ducks and geese, turtles, pigeons and a red-winged black bird that I hear yet hidden from sight.  I could hear its screeching call.  

Tuck in the corner, there is a private party going on.  I wonder if they need another person to celebrate, just a thought. Time passed by without noticing how many hours I was here.  The last time I looked at my watched it was 4 p.m.  Next thing I know it was 7 p.m.

Time to take a ferry ride home

Time to take a ferry ride home

Goodness gracious, my furry friends are hungry, must go home to feed my beasts. Ah, what a great escape.

I am Life

Have you been told to get a life?  And how do you respond to that? 
It’s an asinine statement!  How do you get a life?  My response is: 
I breathe life and I exhale life.  What I breathe out is food for the plants.
I take care of two unwanted cats and looked for the owners of cats I found.
I provided bird houses for Finches and Chickadees to raise their family.
I grew vegetables for others’ nourishment.
I planted flowering plants for birds, bees, butterflies and other winged insects. 
I cared for children with AIDs
I volunteered at the hospice.
I thought students with learning disabilities to read.
I raised funds for non-profit organizations.
I fostered children. 
I make an honest living.
I help people who are in dire need.
I support the education system.
I became a Big Sister.
I bowled for Big Brothers. 
I help strangers that sustained an injury.
I cleaned up old folks apartments.
I entertained the lonely dwellers in our building.
I urge people to grow anything on their balcony.
I saved life of a hummingbird, lady bug, baby turtles. 
And, then some…. 
Now, ask me again to get a life.
With all due respect, let me ask you, what kind of life do you live?

Bells are ringing


This gallery contains 2 photos.

It’s wonderful to be woken up by the bells of Fatima first thing in the morning.  From the balcony of our hotel room, I could see the steeple of the Cathedral.  Every hour, the bell chimes the song of El … Continue reading

A Song, A Book, My Name

Funny (not funny ha-ha) asking me that question.  I just finished watching the DVD of Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey to Heaven.  It’s a modern adaptation of John Bunyan’s beloved classic tale. 
Pilgrim’s song is a song that is constantly humming in my head.  I grew up with this song and I love the lyrics.  Pilgrim Progress is a required reading at school, a literally tale written by John Bunyan when he was imprisoned.   Perpetua is my second name. 
I found the lyrics after coming from a pilgrimage at All Roads Lead Home.

 Pilgrim’s song

Man is lonely by birth.
Man is only a pilgrim on earth.
Born to be king, time is but a temporary thing,
only on loan while on earth.

Like the wind in the tree,
man has been rather reckless and free.
Thrown far and wide, we long to settle down beside
the stream flowing through eternity.

Like the grass on the lawn,
we will pass by the way and be gone.
A lesson to learn, we walk but once there’s no return.
Time is always moving on.

Man is longing for One,
for a song and a place in the sun,
a home up above where ev’ry day is lived in love, for
rest when the journey is done.


A reminder that I am pushing the Pause Button in Daily Prompt as mentioned in my post Forty Days and Forty Nights.  Until then, care take of your sweet self.

Thank you for asking Daily Prompt All About Me.
Pax Tecum.  Perpetua

Show and Tell

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Teachable Moment. You have to learn a new skill. Do you prefer to read about it, watch someone else does it, hear someone describe it, or try it yourself? 
From time to time, at work, we are cross trained and switch duties.  
At the beginning of this year, I switched duties with someone in our team.  As for teachable moments, all of the above is how I learn.  Just reading the “how to manual of procedures” doesn’t cut it, because the manual is written after the fact that it has been tried. 
Even people in higher level, when I explain a certain process to them, I’m asked “show me”.  If nobody shows me the proper process, I am bound to make mistakes at work.  And I could easily say “not my fault, I wasn’t trained or nobody told me”.  I dislike saying this statement; therefore, all of the above.  Show and tell; then read the manual. 
I just remembered a beautiful poem about when children learn and here it is: 
Children Learn What They Live 
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive
If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy
If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel guilt
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident
If a child lives with praise, he learns to be appreciative
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves
If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice
If children live with recognition, they learn to have a goal
If children live with sharing, they learn to be generous
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live 

Source: Circle of Moms


First name basis

The Filipino way, most people’s first name is Maria.  There are so many Maria’s in our family, me included.  However, we don’t use our first name.  I use my second name.  My only wish is I wish I wasn’t named Maria. 
The trouble started not in my childhood.  It started when I came to Canada.  
The officers saw how long my name is, they started using Maria.  Employers did the same thing, Maria.  Well, I felt there is no use in contradicting them since they are having a hard time pronouncing the name.  
When I say my second name, the common response is, Huh?  How do you spell that?  P as in Peter, E as in Eve, R as in Richard, P as in Peter (again), E as in Eve (again), T as in Tom, U as in Uranus, A as in Apple.  Perpetua.  What? Petula?  Never mind, call me Maria.  The names that I just called out, they understand, but not my name. 
As for being Maria, oh the trouble I go.  Maria seems to be a troubled name.  People started singing “How do you solve a problem like Maria”.  Sound’s familiar? 
It was only in 2010 that I decided once and for all, I will use my name that I am accustomed to hearing.  Perpetua it is.  Again, my colleagues of 13 years, they kept on calling me Maria.  Sorry, folks, I am not responding to that! 
So here I am, as a Canadian Maria, signing and dancing to the Sound of Music. 
 This is in response to Daily Prompt: Childhood.  Come and join us, it will make you sing.

Tell me and I will tell you mine.

A week from now, Wednesday, February 13, 2013, is the beginning of abstaining from what we like most for 40 days and 40 nights. 
When I ask the kids what they will give up, they normally choose chocolate, candy, pop, television, Facebook (right!), etc. 
On a higher scale, Patricia from Called by Joy provided this list to give us other ideas. 
Give up worry – trust Divine Providence
Give up discouragement – be full of hope
Give up bitterness – turn to forgiveness
Give up complaining – focus on gratitude
Give up pessimism – become an optimist
Give up harsh judgments – think kind thoughts
Give up hatred – return good for evil
Give up negativism – be positive
Give up anger – be more patient
Give up pettiness – become mature
Give up gloom – enjoy the beauty that is all around you
Give up jealousy – pray for trust
Give up gossiping – control your tongue
Give up sin – turn to virtue
Give up giving up – hang in there 
Let’s pretend for the sake of this prompt, more importantly,  for the sake of Daily Peace, what will you give up?  Tell me and I will you mine.
Hang in There

Hang in There

This is in response to Daily Prompt: Open ending.  Come and join us, it’s fun.

Morning Wake Up Call

I have a wonderful use for the phone, an alarm clock that plays beautiful melody. 
For most times, I let it ring and screen my calls.  There is a caller ID which is a very nice feature.  This is the one of gizmo that I might say a necessity in a household equipped with an answer machine pre-recorded voice. 
I had so much fun when I first installed this machine.  It was a surprise to my sisters that I finally starting to blend in.  Beings sisters, they are nosey, called me and left messages. 
Sister #4 – what is your name, you manly voice.  Who am I phoning here?  (laughter in the background) 
Sister #6 – You are hiding a man in your house (more laughter) 
Sister #5 – I like your answering machine.  It’s very nice. 
Back in the Philippines, we had party lines.  I used to entertain them on the phone just because I was being naughty.  One party line became so enamoured with my voice.  Pretty scary because he came all the way to my place and left me a gift at our door step. 
That was the end of my relationship with a phone pal when Mother found out.  Grounded, I am no longer to use the phone. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Phone.  Come and join us, it’s fun. 
A request to the readers:  No pingback please unless you have actually read, left a comment or liked this post.  Thank you for your consideration.

Genie in a bottle or 12 Steps program

Did you say major changes? Sure, I want to have a baby, let me go window shopping and buy one.  Sure, I will visit the a sperm bank to find good genes.  What a silly decision. 
I made a 360 degree turn yesterday and I am still thinking about the what if situation.  
Yesterday was Sunday and I left the mass early because the priest is boring.  I could have easily changed the situation but I stayed until closer to the end.  I did not wait for his blessings. 
Walking as fast as I could in a cold rainy February zigzagging around people, I made a 360 turn.  What made me do that?  My peripheral vision saw a person sitting on the cement outside the mall.  
Meet April in February 3, 2013.  
I asked are you ok?  Then she started crying.  She’s a new face in the block.  I recognize most of the street people in Metrotown Mall.  April made a wrong decision last night according to her, was accused of lying and hates being called a liar.  She left the facility where she stayed for two months to change her life, slept on the street last night and unfamiliar with the city. She came from the Island, up north of BC.  The time was about 2 pm. 
All of this happened out of a blue, don’t ask me why I paid attention to this stranger.  I don’t like WHY question.  Therefore, I did not ask April the why question. 
Did I make a conscious decision to help her?  Yes or No? No. Did I hesitate?  There was no hesitation in my part, I just acted.  She needs a place to stay for one night; she’s looking for the Aboriginal Lodge. 
I’ve asked April only one thing.  April, I want you to pray to your God to help us find you a place.  She sheepishly said yes with a worried look on her face. 
Skipping all the details, I found her a place to stay by 7:30 pm.  An emergency shelter.  We were wet, shaking like a leaf, tired, cold.  We shared a cigarette before we parted and made sure she was inside this beautiful blue looking mansion in a residential area that I’ve never thought it existed closed by where I live. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Changes.  Come and join us, it will change your life.

Mother Earth

I love Mother Earth and for this reason I became an activist in so many ways. 
Indulge me on this one: carbon footprints, zero mile diet, recycling, bike to work, think green, nature of things, save the children, etc. 
To put things in perspective, I cannot save the whole world.  I know I can do one thing for myself and Mother Earth.  I gave up my freedom to fully go where ever I go, when I want.  My car. 
This decision was a difficult one.  In order for me to make a decision, I always think “two things”, a choice.  Asking myself what do I want to give up in order to make a positive impact to Mother Earth and humanity:  Cigarettes or Car = 2Cs. I have divulged this information about me in my post about Pilgrims Progress and Flawed: Guilty. 
Listing the pros and cons, they are both cons.  What about the lesser of two evils, they are both evils.  What is easier?  Car it is.  
What made me choose the car?  The pollution: all that carbon in the air that is killing the plants and animals.  Greenhouse effect is what the scientists call it.  The oil and gas industry is a greedy corporate industry.  Think of Athabasca Tar Sands that is happening in Canada.  Oh, don’t get me going on this Daily Prompt.  My blood is boiling at this minute early in the morning. 
People are so righteous when it comes to smoking, even the government. When people see me smoke, I hear nasty remarks and poor attitudes, they are holier than thou.  I ask them: Do you drive a car?  Huh? is their response.  What does car got to do with cigarettes?  Do you have time to listen to me while I smoke in front of you?  No, is the response.  Then stay away from me and keep on walking.  I am killing myself when it comes to smoking, I know that.  You have no idea what I gave up for Mother Earth! 
There’s one less car now in Vancouver.  Mine. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Global.  Come and join us, it’s fun.

Death, A Trip of a Lifetime

75 years old is my cut-off.  Take it or leave it.  I just don’t want God to forget all about me and let me live till the turn of the next century. 
I have discussed this with my sisters what I want to wear in the casket.  It will be my red dress that Mother made for me when I was in my twenties and still fits me.  The dress has been used by my sisters and nieces, and I keep on telling them to take good care of it because I need it for my burial gown.  
On the checklist is the reading at the mass, what songs to play (happy songs, please), no black dress in the funeral, cremation and of course, the Last Will and Testament. 
There, I am ready, any time, take me home. 
As for the Requiem, vengeance is mine.  I want to surprise them with an envelope to be read in the church should the priest allow it.  And at the end, one slide show, a pre-recorded  of my  last statement and a projection of my beautiful smile. 
The reading would be about Beatitudes, the teaching of Jesus Christ that in my opinion replaces the Ten Commandments of Moses.  
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted
Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. 
And in my pre-recorded voice: Lunch on me, let’s party and dance. And a smile.  Let’s move to the church hall. 
 This is in response to Daily Prompt: Write your own Eulogy.  Come and join us, it’s fun.
Read this:
Enjoy every moment you can

Share is a verb

I LOVE SHARING and it’s my favourite word.  Share is a verb.  It’s an action word.  This was my opening word in my post Monday’s Peace News Captured on video. 
Sharing is very self-fulfilling.  It brings out the humanity in me especially LOVE.  In my reflection, this love is a gift from my God that is meant to be shared.  
So, here go I… 
After yesterday’s Daily Prompt: Polite Company, I am still deeply moved by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s history, not so much about the controversial topic about religion and politics. 
Out of deep admiration and respect for him, I want to share this song with you:

We Shall Overcome.

And a beautiful story Morning Story: Do Unto Others.

Have a blessed day.

Pax Tecum, (Peace be With You)  _/\_ Seeker

DP: Clean Slate – Simplicity

“Daily Post: Clean Slate – Explore the room you’re in as if you’re seeing it for the first time. Pretend you know nothing. What do you see? Who is the person who lives there?” 
The place is the tiniest room in a three storey older tenement.  It’s a bachelor suite measuring around 500 square feet or less, big enough for a simple life.
Room 306 is the back part of the third floor of Royal Manor.  She just loves that name and she started feeling regal already.  Seeing the bright living room with balcony, plenty of natural light is very conducive to a healthy living for the new tenant requires natural light in order to survive the long winter ahead.
A balcony, she feels so blessedly rich.  She can picture what plants to grow, eventually.  No animals allowed is the agreement she signed for.  That is just fine by her since she doesn’t want any responsibilities.  All she wants is to take care of herself and live a life of solitude.
The tenant is a minimalist.  All she brought with her is an old bed and three dressers for her clothes.  She loves dressing up.  No sofa, no chairs, no table for she threw in the towel.  A clean slate, a new beginning.
Ah, she can now breathe.  No more stuff that suffocates her life.
Over the years, the room is gradually filling up and it has maintained its simplicity in life.  A sofa, plants, folding dinning table, a cat.  Plenty of light and life. She now loves living the life what God has intended for her. 
Living room

Living room

DP: Resolved – Consider it Done!

Woe is me, I woke up so serious yesterday morning and it’s only day one of 2013.  I hope this is not an omen of events yet to come.  Hey, Seeker, gotta have faith, remember?  I know, but the devil is working overtime.  I have been told to lighten up, bohoho.  OMG, what a switcheroo to 2012.  Something is seriously wrong with me.  I have to seek out my friends in Facebook. 
I have to have a resolution not just a goal.  With this comment, I resolve to lighten up.  How do I do this? 
I know, Crude Oil is a very compassionate loyal friend.  I have to drop him a line or two. 


Crude, time for an oil change.  It’s New Year 2013. Are you happy? Seriously. A request.  I’ve been told to lighten up.  I think I should learn to find my funny bones and grow some wings like an Angel.  Angels do fly, don’t they?  They don’t take themselves seriously.  And I am taking this seriously.  I have to lighten up.
Crude Oil

Crude Oil

Happy New Year! Am very happy:)  Did you say “bone”?  Seeker, that is not funny to mention “bone” to me.  Just because I love you, I will help you.  Ok, close your eyes, Seeker and make your wish. And woof, thanks for asking 🙂


I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish…..
Oh, P.S.  My 6 letter word for 2013 is WISDOM, may I have this too?

Crude Oil

Crude Oil

Grrr…. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.  Hocus Pokus, your wish is your command.  You may have your wings as for the rest, I’ll get back to you.  Gotta find me some “bones”.
                                                       Ta Da…. 
WP 2013 Jan 2 Crude Oil
                                           Your turn.  Make a Wish.

I think I shall never see…

When I look outside my balcony towards north, facing the horizon, I could see Grouse Mountain of North Vancouver. When it’s covered with snow on a beautiful sunny winter day like today, it’s spectacular.  I feel like making a trip and climb the Grouse grind.  Not. 
I cannot due to just being plain lazy.  Then I look down below.  Sigh.  My beautiful tree is no longer there.  I gave that tree a hug all the time.  I love watching the squirrels going round and round the branches.  The racoon checking out the tree at night for food.   My winged friends make it their home to nest. 
When it starts to flower and seeds, so much pollen floating in the air.  Much too much pinecones and don’t mind if I have to rake them out.  The beetles in summer months come out at night.  Lucy and Maurice the cats exercised their hunting skills. 
One year, Father Winter came with a vengeance, covered the tree with snowy splendor.  And then… sad, the branches cannot carry the load of white powdery stuff.  Needless to say, I bid goodbye to the tree and all I have left is this memory. 

This is my Quest…

A writing challenge: New Year’s Resolution not a dream, not impossible… 
Many times I resolved to make a resolution, a total failure.  Therefore, I resolve to fail less… three is doable.  It will be more of a goal, and not a resolution.  I make my goals fun and enjoyable, not a chore.    
  • Every year, I make sure that I do one thing that I haven’t done in my life.  For example, last year, I learnt how to bake cookies and cakes.  I was well liked by those cookie monster and cake fiends.  A very expensive way to learn.  Done.  Next?  Next is learning how to bake a traditional ham or turkey that my family always make.  The guinea pigs are my next door neighbour who made me mushroom soup for Christmas.  And I did, ham first.  We had it for New Year’s Day.  Now my neighbour wants it to be a tradition.  Are you kidding me?  The turkey has to wait.  The guinea pigs will be my nieces.  I promised them to have a YaYa cousinhood at my place.  They were pinning since they have not set their foot in my sanctuary.  They saw the pictures in the Facebook and how they love to check it out.  Yah, right.  It will be a dry get together, I said.  They agreed.
  • Gardening.  What new plant would I want to try this year starting from seeds?  This would take time visiting Garden Centres, reading Garden Magazines and visiting Community Gardens.  I enjoy gardening and it’s so much fun.
  •  Walking.  This is a must since I am planning to join Walkers’ World this year to Santiago de Compostela.  It’s vital that I am able to walk at least 10k a day.  That is equal to walking around Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC.  Not a big deal, since I do walking meditation and I have now a camera to take pictures along the way. Can’t wait.

A Prayer of New Beginnings by St. Mary

God of new beginnings, we are walking into mystery.
We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring us
or how we will respond.
Be love in us as we journey.
May we welcome all who come our way.


Daily Prompt: Use It or Lose It – Going, going, gone

Write about anything you’d like, but make sure the post includes this sentence: “I thought we’d never come back from that one.” 
I know what you are thinking.  Every end of the year, you are thinking of New Year’s resolution.
  • Resolutions vs. My take on this
  • Loss weight – I can’t, this is me.
  • Eat healthy – go vegan? No way
  • Quit drinking – I’ll go thirsty
  • Exercise – is lifting a finger to type Daily Prompt counts?
  • No clutter – okay, just one corner, the bedroom
  • Join the gym – this I quit.  Spent too much monthly fee for naught
  • No more war – I’m moving to Switzerland
  • Turn a new leaf – time to rake the autumn leaves
  • No this, no that – tit for tat
  • Do’s and don’ts –  do or do not according to Yoda
  • Talk less – who can out talk to you?
  • Listen more –  I’m plug-in to my iPhone
  • Go back to church – this I love doing
  • Meditate more – much oblige
  • Less is more – no money to spend
  • Save more – no money to save
Blah, blah, blah – I’ll leave this for my family who can’t stop talking about “those were the days” 
Every year, I thought we’d never come back from that one.  I don’t, but I get sucked into it.  All those broken promises and I hear “I forgot” is the excuse.  Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.  I tell to myself, sorry?  What happened to those resolutions?   No more excuses, add that to the list.  Yikes.  How can one get away with this? 
This I will come back every day.  Just for Today:  It’s an article written by Dear Abby that I pasted on my wall.

“Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is.”
“Just for today, I will face reality.”
“Just for today, I will change those things I can change.”
“Just for today, I will accept things I cannot change.” 

It’s actually a Prayer of Serenity which I mumble to myself every day.
“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.  Amen.” 

Daily Prompt: My Hero! – When I grow Up, I want to be just like you!

Tell us about your hero.

When I grow up, I want to be just like you said my niece to me lovingly as if she was looking at an angel at a tender age of under 10 years.  Children don’t know how to lie, just yet, they are open and honest; children have 20/20 vision, they can see an angel.  Ah, such sweet innocence as pure as driven snow.

I felt so vain, I am her HERO.  HOLD THAT THOUGHT FOR A MINUTE! No, don’t even think about it, NEVER!  When you grow up, you are going to be YOU!

Modesty aside, I am the hero not just to my niece also to my nephews, other nieces and younger generations since I am Auntie Mame to them.  Now they are all grown up, matured and have a place on this earth, their views have changed.  I am pretty sure if I’ll ask them who their hero is, it won’t be me.  Oh well, such as life.

Turning that question inwardly: asking, musing, pondering, thinking, talking to myself; who is your hero, Lady? The answer, really honestly and seriously.  I can easily say that my Mother Lucia is my hero for she gave birth to me.  She fought for my life when I was being conceived in her tiny womb.  I should have not been born.  The fetus is self-abortive says the doctor.  You will lose the baby.  Mother has such great strong faith and determination.  She wants me to come into this world for she loves me.  She prayed hard to all the angels and saints; to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for her intercession.  Should my life be spared, Mother will name the baby after Her.  What?  How does she know if it will be a baby girl?  What if it’s a boy?  Our Lord of Perpetual Peter Pan?

TADA, fast forward, 55 years later. Here I am at WordPress, pressing the words about my hero.  Long have I been waiting for this moment to speak boldly who my hero is.  I must say I am a little bit concerned that I may be laughed at should I tell you the 5Ws of my hero.  But I will stick to the rule: WHO.

I have so many heroes, not just one. My heroes are those little things that we seem to take for granted.  My heroes are those that saved my life aside from my Mother Lucia.  The most recent episode in my life, they are Lady Bugs, Hummingbirds, mustard seeds.  They saved my life and sanity.  And I am sure there will be more little things to come.

All kidding aside, my real hero based on my faith is nothing but a little child, Baby Jesus Christ.  He saved not just my life. He came to this world to save the world and mankind. Should you want to know the story of Baby Jesus, Google it!

Mary’s Boy Child Jesus Christ (song)

My Hero: Baby Lord Jesus Christ

My Hero: Baby Lord Jesus Christ