
Chinese Fisherman

Chinese Fisherman





谢谢你 (xièxienǐ )

Hello to the People of Republic China
I am thinking of you from Vancouver, BC, CANADA.
I understand that China is a beautiful country.
How are you?
Where are you from?
Thank you.

Photo Credit: National Geographic

I will live the present moment and fill it with love.

It is true. All prisoners, myself included, constantly wait to be let go. I decided then and there that my captivity would not be merely a time of resignation but a turning point in my life. I decided I would not wait. I would live the present moment and fill it with love. For if I wait, the things I wait for will never happen. The only thing that I can be sure of is that I am going to die.

No, I will not spend time waiting. I will live the present moment and fill it with love.

When the Communists put me in the hold of the boat, the Hai-Phong, along with 1500 other prisoners and moved us to the North, I said to myself, “Here is my cathedral, here are the people God has given me to care for, here is my mission: to ensure the presence of God among these, my despairing, miserable brothers. It is God’s will that I am here. I accept his will”.  And from that minute onwards, a new peace filled my heart and stayed with me for thirteen years.

The words of Bishop John Walsh, who had been imprisoned for 12 years in Communist China, Waiting in captivity.

For all animal lovers

How can we stop this:

This video is about dogs in China.  China breeds animals for their fur. The next time you see a fur coat or fur lined clothing, think where they came from.  Viewer discretion is advised.


Furthermore, please be very cautious of the food you feed your animals especially coming from China.

Must see Video.  Play video:


FDA proposes strict new safety standards for pet food producers