Death of a Million Cuts


This gallery contains 3 photos.

It’s Holy Saturday and I am meditating on The Way of the Cross as I see it focus on education in picture form. Suffer the little children, the parents, special needs, new immigrants, teachers, front line works, aboriginals, and much … Continue reading

Letter to Premier of BC and Ministry of Education


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Today, I e-mailed the Premier of BC, Christy Clark, and Ministry of Education, Mike Bernier reminding them their responsibility as elected officials. As much as I want to remain quiet about what is happening in Vancouver public system, I am … Continue reading

It made my teeth hurt, so I wrote.


This gallery contains 2 photos.

Talking is part of communication. I must have talked so much for the month of April that it made my teeth hurt. April 1 is a fool’s paradise. April 1 is the time when we play practical jokes. April 1 … Continue reading