What equals nine?

A funny post.
Question: What do you do with a “drive by commentators?” This reminds me of drive by “likers”. I call them hit-and-run. Worst are posts that use “pingbacks”.


What do you wantOne of the interesting things about “blogging” is what happens off-line. WordPress has a feature for “comments” and it is a controllable feature. You can allow all comments and then remove inappropriate ones as you see fit. But then that means you have to monitor; sometimes manners and charity are not hallmarks of text and comments left behind. It takes time. Not willing to dedicate time to the supervising task? The blog administrator can not allow any comments at all.  That takes no additional time to oversee. There is at least one “middle way.” You can allow comments but require that all comments be approved before they are posted on one’s blog. That takes some time, but you have the luxury of getting to such things when you have time.

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Game Club

Mr. DaG I call him of I know I can make you smile can truly make you smile.  I just want to tap into his sense of humour.

Thanksgiving season he posted Attention: No More Thanksgiving.  What a turkey.  So I started this conversation with him:

By: I know I can make you smile

By: I know I can make you smile

(Click on the photo to take you to Mr. DaG’s site)

Seeker: Turkey you say? A question for you. How do you keep a turkey in suspense?

DaG: Send him to the Twilight Zone ?

Seeker: Twilight zone is good but my answer to you is: I’ll tell you tomorrow. 8=))

DaG: OK. You are now an official member of our “Let’s Play the Game Club” on this blog.

Don’t you just love a good banter every now and then?  Commenting is always good.