Spirit Alive


For Sunday music, this is a video of Spirit Alive concert that I mentioned here.

A Saint Patrick Regional Secondary Concert Choir and Chamber Choir at the Chan Center for the Performance Arts held on May 9, 2014.  They did perform as well at the Carnegie Hall in New York City.  That is a remarkable achievement for the high school students to be invited at the Hall.  A very impressive group.

The performance became possible by the commitment, support and love of the community for the students.  Without the community, the students would have not attained this outstanding performance.

Here’s the female group on the way to NYC.
Becca to New York

On the move from hall to hall


This gallery contains 3 photos.

“Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand. You can feel it, they can feel it, you can feel it all over people” ~ Stevie Wonder Hurry up, and wait. It never fails.  My family and … Continue reading