Contact of the Fourth Kind

The Mother ship heard my SOS whether Greenland exists and she sent the fourth kind to contact me.

Contact!  Greenland, contacted me.  Was I ever surprised?  Of course! Unbelievable!!!  Did the Mother ship abduct me?  No, it only wants the young and the restless.

This was my SOS post: Greenland, do you exists?  She does exist. We are not talking about little green people here.  See for yourself.  Read what she commented on my post.

To prove; this is an image of my today’s map.

Will I share her with you?  Nope, finder’s keeper.  Just kidding.

Everyone, I am proud to introduce to you, Greenland, The Fourth Continent.

Let us welcome Greenland into our blogging path. Please be gentle, no pushing, no shoving, and one at a time.  We do not want to scare her and she might take off with the Mother ship again.

Thank you, The Fourth Continent for making my dream comes true.  Hopefully, one day I will reach Greenland.

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Your Country

As part of getting to know you, I am very keen in finding out what country you are blogging from.  
Can you please tell me what Country you are from?  Thank you. 


Here’s a map of the world. I now live in Canada originally from the Philippines.