Thinking all the time. What am I going to do?

Goodness gracious! How long have I been thinking of getting a new writing device? My computer, iPad and four IPhones are all obsolete.

I kept uttering this hint to my family that all I wanted was a new iPad. I’ll take hand-me-downs.

Finally, yesterday, my brother and I went shopping at the Apple store. Looking at all the gadgets, I was bedazzled with so much new technology.

Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

I got a new iPad Air through the generosity of my brother, To add more joy to this occasion, his son and two friends and my nephew and his girlfriend were at the store. Furthermore, we met up with other siblings for coffee. I tell you, the mall is full of surprises who I will bumped into.

Now.… how the heck am I going to learn how to use this new gizmo?