Doggone it! Where is it?

Some people raised dogs. My brother raised roosters. Oh, how I love waking up when the cock crows. No need for an alarm clock.

Since I was born in poverty, I grew up with no dolls or miniature China set for a tea party.

We had a dog. Our one and only dog. A pure breed Doberman. Black. Female. She came with her tail cut short. We kept her long ears. She was so regal that we called her Sultana. One spoilt brat.

Purebred has a short life. I miss her.

The second part of this post, requires your attention and comments. It has something to do with WordPress or Jetpack reader. I can see your post when I view all the answers. The tagline of this Bloganuary are bloganuary-2024-10, dailyprompt, dailypromp-1813 that is automatically added for us.

The question is: CAN YOU SEE YOUR POST? I cannot see mine in the READER. Even if I change the topic to dailyprompt, I see yours. I can’t see mine. Please check your readers and let me know. I will submit another blanket statement to the support line based on your findings.

I have contacted the Happy Engineers. I hope they can fix the website.

For the fun of this exercise, I added taglines: RDP, Ragtag Daily Prompt and Photography to test if my post will show up in the Reader with these topics.

Keep Calm and blog on.

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?