Paper refuses no ink

The slogan “Paper refuses no ink” is similar to blogging. It is about writing. You cannot see me. You cannot hear me. I may be be dead. For all you know this is AI writing or worst ChatGPT.

I’ve been in WordPress for a long time. Had my stint of followers and following. I did a death cleaning project of my site when daily prompts, weekly photography and freshly pressed were eliminated. It was a groupie thing. I liked you. You liked me. You followed me. I followed you. Then some of the posts I followed started dying. Literally. The writers died. It was upsetting.

I felt like killing my blog. But instead I took a hiatus and kept on reading posts.

The death cleaning involves deleting my followers. I had thousands but in reality, a handful will make their presence known through commenting. I took away the like button. What is there to like? This is not Facebook. Finally, I changed the site name.

Returning to write again by becoming one of the representatives of Ragtag Daily Prompt and participating with Lens-Artists, this activity keeps my mind active.

Sometimes, I read my previous posts to bring back memories.

It’s powerful!

Why do you blog?