I have nothing to lose…

Materially speaking, I say so many times, take everything if you want it. Why? They can do all the work of having them since I want to unburden my load.

If I have lost the fear that I possess, then it’s easy to live life. I’ve lost my mind before. That was not easy. It felt like I have nothing to lose.

But… there is always help.

Here’s a quote from a man who lost everything in a house fire. Thank goodness, nobody died.

“There were some bright spots. The local Red Cross chapter gave us a $500 card to help us get new clothes. Some kids in the neighborhood took up a collection and the dimes and quarters they offered in a zip-lock bag brought tears to my eyes. A local restaurant fed me two meals a day and never asked for a penny (although I insisted on tipping).”

What would you do if you lost all your possessions?