Within the Web lies the truth

I have a cornucopia of websites that I subscribe via email from various writers that I do not need to download an App. I find email notifications is the best way to get my attention. Most of these sites are inspirational.

Last week, I introduced Corey’s Digs with you. This was the post.

Another site that I find very interesting is Story Hub created by Wayne Morgan. His site is about real lives, real stories. I love the stories in this site.

When Corey published my story, I shared it with Wayne. Much to my surprise, he published it in site.

Mother and I

The heading above is a quote from Corey’s Dig.

“Within the Web lies the truth”

In Story Hub, I wrote:

Today, I finally understand this episode of Mother’s encounter based on the aphorism “ Pray as if everything depended on God. Work as if everything depended on you.” Thank you, Wayne for being the catalyst of making me understand. And to All readers with your heartfelt comments.

If you enjoy reading stories, click on this link of Story Hub

What are your favorite websites?