Daily Prompt: Use It or Lose It – Going, going, gone

Write about anything you’d like, but make sure the post includes this sentence: “I thought we’d never come back from that one.” 
I know what you are thinking.  Every end of the year, you are thinking of New Year’s resolution.
  • Resolutions vs. My take on this
  • Loss weight – I can’t, this is me.
  • Eat healthy – go vegan? No way
  • Quit drinking – I’ll go thirsty
  • Exercise – is lifting a finger to type Daily Prompt counts?
  • No clutter – okay, just one corner, the bedroom
  • Join the gym – this I quit.  Spent too much monthly fee for naught
  • No more war – I’m moving to Switzerland
  • Turn a new leaf – time to rake the autumn leaves
  • No this, no that – tit for tat
  • Do’s and don’ts –  do or do not according to Yoda
  • Talk less – who can out talk to you?
  • Listen more –  I’m plug-in to my iPhone
  • Go back to church – this I love doing
  • Meditate more – much oblige
  • Less is more – no money to spend
  • Save more – no money to save
Blah, blah, blah – I’ll leave this for my family who can’t stop talking about “those were the days” 
Every year, I thought we’d never come back from that one.  I don’t, but I get sucked into it.  All those broken promises and I hear “I forgot” is the excuse.  Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.  I tell to myself, sorry?  What happened to those resolutions?   No more excuses, add that to the list.  Yikes.  How can one get away with this? 
This I will come back every day.  Just for Today:  It’s an article written by Dear Abby that I pasted on my wall.

“Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is.”
“Just for today, I will face reality.”
“Just for today, I will change those things I can change.”
“Just for today, I will accept things I cannot change.” 

It’s actually a Prayer of Serenity which I mumble to myself every day.
“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.  Amen.”