As close as you can get


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Imagine that you inherited the land below this mountain, as far as your eyes could see in the middle of the desert. Thinking of Las Vegas, this is a gold mine that could easily be transformed into a watering hole … Continue reading

The World of Dew

The world of dew
is only a world of dew
and yet…
and yet… 
a drop of dew on a branch

a drop of dew on a branch

in the hostile world of the desert land
a single plant grows not
a mist gathers in the morning sun
a dew gently falls
on the sand. 

if you truly look
beyond your naked eyes –
a microscopic bug
emerges from the sand
to great the day –
to drink the dew. 
as it drinks
the fountain of elixir
it lifts its tiny body
towards heaven
a toast of thanksgiving. 
a mere speck of dew
is life enhancing –
is life sustaining –
Thanks be to dew. 
The world of dew
is only a world of dew
and yet…
and yet… 

notes to file: July 7, 1997 Monday 6 pm (blu)