The Dream Seller

Would you like to buy a comma?

What are you?
A psychologist? No.
A psychiatrist?
A religious person?
A priest? A pastor?
Or you’re just crazy?
Yah, that’s more like it. You could say I play on the crazy team.
I consider myself a dream seller.
I always sell that money can’t buy.
I sell confidence to the insecure.
Fearlessness to the phobic.
Common sense to the impetuous.
What about the suicidal?
What about them?
What can you sell them?
I have a comma.
Just a little comma
So that they can continue to write their story
Even when the world comes crushing down on them.

What we need is a little comma
And that way you could continue to write a story
Even if we feel like the whole world comes crushing down.
I bought once a comma myself from a dream seller

If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?

A wonderful Brazilian Movie titled Dream Seller.