I live in my dreams.


This gallery contains 1 photo.

“I live in my dreams. Other people live in dreams too … just not their own.” — Hermann Hesse Dreams not fantasy. Start small. Series of small dreams. Put them all together. Together, the series of small dreams become big. Dreams are … Continue reading

My Christmas Thoughts for You

Holy Family
The very best of all my thoughts
are those that think of you.
The very best of all my hopes
are those that speak of you.
My fondest hopes,
my cherished dreams,
my prayers to the Lord above,
The very best of all these
I offer you my love.

Merry Christmas

Dream Symbol

In my case Pilgrim’s Progress consisted in my having to climb down a thousand ladders until I could reach out my hand to the little clod of earth that I am. ~ Carl Jung

This is a painting I find interesting at Masqua’s Art  produced by Antonie H. Los, an artist based in southern Ontario.

The dream symbols are often what is remembered just prior to becoming fully awake and I’ve been fascinated by such things quite a long while. Normally it’s just a scene… confusing and rather imponderable, but I’ve read too much CG Jung to discount these little messages from the unconscious out of hand.

The first is a tree in full leaf, but the view is both above and below ground. Underground, the tree trunk turns into a two-headed snake. Not sure what I’ll be calling the piece, but it does have elements of the caduceus (the symbol for medical practitioners). What it might mean to me, I have no idea, but I felt prompted to paint it anyways.

There are other paintings in this website that appeals to me.  Since I am fairly new in appreciating artwork produced by students, I am still learning how to understand how come I find them it fascinating.

Take a peek at his artwork and see which ones you find appealing.

Related Link: Masqua’s Art