Dear Dad, Thank you for making us happy. Love, Lucy

My dad was a humble man. Well-travelled, well-loved, and simply well lived. Although his successes in life include travelling the world, finding love that lasted near 40 years, and having 6 kids, he never boasted about his life accomplishments. As I now rest in the wake of my dad’s death, I think about how he was a man of few words.

Lucy and Dad, Sweet Dreams

Often times, I find myself exhibiting my dad’s characteristics, especially when it comes to a shortage of words. In the days since my father’s passing, I have been hesitant to share this part of my life with others, even concealing it from some of my close friends. It wasn’t that the grief was too heavy to talk about, but rather that I couldn’t find the words to properly explain how I was feeling.

Lucy and Dad, Camping Days

As the youngest sibling, my relationship with my dad was different than the rest of my family’s. When my older siblings had all moved out, I remained home with my parents. On days when my mom would work, I’d be left home alone with dad. We’d both do our own things, never speaking much except for when we’d share a meal. Words between us were rarely ever needed. Instead, it was my father’s calming and gentle presence that always made me feel secure. It’s funny to think about how the most mundane memories are ones I cherish the most.

When the day came for us to say our final goodbyes, I was eager for words. I felt as though I needed to say the perfect things in order for him to forgive me for the years of lost communication. It wasn’t until after he passed that I understood how wrong that mindset was.

Dear Poteet

When I reflect on our relationship, it is not the conversations had that bring me peace. Instead, it was his presence. It was being at home and knowing I was safe there with him. It was knowing he was proud of me. It was knowing that he would support me in whatever I wanted to do. It was feeling his love instead of hearing it. It was knowing I would never be alone.

Thinking about adjusting to life without my dad is scary. For the first time in my life, my mom will go to work, and I will be home alone. Although physically, he won’t be there, I still know his gentle presence will always look over me. I know that even now after he’s gone, I will never be alone.

Rummaging through old mementoes of my parents and their shared love has inspired me. I came across one card my dad gave to my mom. She always said that he would never write her long or extravagant messages, but the short notes he did write held so much love. The one card I found read,

“Thanks for making me happy.”

Lucy and Dad, Grad Night

Lucy and Dad, Grad Night

I now know I inherited my father’s minimalistic love language. Knowing that, if I could say one more thing to my dad, it would simply be:

Dear dad, thanks for making us happy. Love, Lucy.

Father and Son

Father and Son

“A little boy who had been to Sunday School told his father that he learned that God the Father and Son were equal.

The father said: “That is ridiculous. I am your father; you are my son. I existed a long time before you.”

“No,” said the boy, “you did not begin to be a father until I began to be a son.”

~ Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Happy Father’s Day To One and All.  Blessings.

Mother’s vs. Father’s Day

In May, we celebrated Mother’s day.  On June 16, it will be Father’s day celebration. 
I just don’t understand these kinds of celebrations.  Why not just have one BIG celebration and call it Parent’s day.  But of course, because of the nuclear family, there could be just one parent.  That could be a Mom or a Dad since there are so many single parents today. 
Also, parenthood could mean Mom and Mom or Dad and Dad.  It’s not so simple anymore. 
Actually, I am a bit perturbed about this.  
There is no Auntie Day.  None!  And that is just not fair at all. 
When it come to advertisements, paying attention to these pictures, they don’t make sense to me. 
Mother's Day Ad

Mother’s Day Ad

For Mothers – “I wouldn’t be me if you hadn’t been you.  Thanks, Mom.”  Mothers carry the eggs; Fathers carry the sperm.  Doesn’t it take millions of sperms in order for me to become me?  How many sperms fought and died in the process in order to form me?
Father's Day Ad

Father’s Day Ad

For Fathers – “This Father’s Day, get Dad brewing.”  I think this is how men became alcoholics.  This ad is a sobering truth. 
To all Fathers, have a fun-filled day.   Happy Father’s Day.


And this is my one and only picture of my Father.