No need to pretend

holy fool

When you are a “holy fool” you’ve stopped trying to look like something more than you really are. That’s when you know, as you eventually have to know, that we are all naked underneath our clothes, and we don’t need to pretend to be better than we are.

I am who I am, who I am, who I am; and that creation, for some unbelievable reason, is who God loves, precisely in its uniqueness.

My true identity and my deepest freedom comes from God’s infinite love for me, not from what people think of me or say about me. Both the people who praise me and those who hate me are usually doing it for the wrong reasons.

Adapted from Franciscan Mysticism (an unpublished talk) Richard Rohr

Gateway to Silence:
I am who I am in the eyes of God, nothing more and nothing less.

September Monthly Peace Challenge: And I Quote: Blessings of Hope

Hope provides the freedom to live at peace with ourselves,
others and God,
regardless of what may be going on around us. 
One Minute Meditation by Franciscans
May we be blessed with discomfort at easy answers,
half truths, and superficial relationships,
so that our lives have depth and vision. 
May we be blessed with anger at injustice
and exploitation of people,
so that we work for justice and peace. 
May we be blessed with tears to shed for those who suffer,
so that we reach out to comfort them,
 to turn their pain into joy. 
May we be blessed with enough foolishness
to believe that we can make a difference in this world,
and do what others claim cannot be done. 
– Based on a Franciscan prayer 
Eva: The Aspirational Agnostic
Soft as the voice of an angel,
Breathing a lesson unheard,
Hope with a gentle persuasion,
Whispers her comforting word. 
Wait till the darkness is over,
Wait till the tempest is done,
Hope for the sunshine tomorrow,
After the shower is gone. 
Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice
Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice. 
Seeker: Whispering Hope
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