Wake up, you are in heaven.

I watched the DVD last night “Heaven is real”.  It’s a story of a four-year old boy who went to heaven. No, he did not die. It was not a near-death experience.

It happened during his operation of his appendices. During the operation, his soul floated, saw what was happening to him and to his parent.

He ended in a church, a choir of Angels where singing to him. Being a child, he wanted them to sing his favourite song.

Can you sing  “We Will Rock You?


Photo Credit: Tumblr by Theodd1sout

(Okay, imagine the Angels are playing rock and roll in heaven, that is a big disgrace.) The Angels giggled with their Angelic giggles.

Back to reality, as far as sleep is concern, heaven or here in my sanctuary: I say…..

Threshold between Earth and Heaven


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I know for a while again the health of self-forgetfulness, looking out at the sky through a notch in the valleyside, the black woods wintry on the hills, small clouds at sunset passing across. And I know that this is … Continue reading