Taking on a New Adventure

If you have read my About Now page, I credit Rick Hotton for his creatures of Holy Mole Comics. Rick is taking on a new adventure.

I have no religious overtones, yet like many creatures blessed with the great fortune of being alive I strive to find meaning and purpose in my seemingly complex existence. It is towards these ends that I struggle with great effort.

Thank you, Rick.

“Is that so?”

Image Source from Hole Mole Cartoon FaceBook

Image Source from Hole Mole Cartoon FaceBook

A Zen story: 

A hermit, who lived in the forest close to a village, was one day confronted by an angry crowd of villagers, who accused him of having made a young girl pregnant.

“Is that so?” was all he said.

He took the young girl in and looked after her. After some time had passed the young girl went back to the village and confessed to her parents that she had lied; the son of their neighbour, whom she loved, was the father.

The villagers went back to the hermit, apologized profusely, telling him the story.

All he said was: “Is that so?”

~~ O ~~

Like the monk in the story our strongest habitual responses are often anger or the other side of the same coin – depression. This is reflected in the detailed teaching from the Desert Tradition about the ‘Demon of Anger’. The Desert hermits considered that one way of dealing with the automatic angry response to the insults of others was the virtue of humility.

Source: The World Community For Christian Meditation

Missing the fun – the only true tragedy.

More than just a character, Holy Molé is a cartoon that represents the place where higher aspirations of existence intertwine with the practicality of everyday living. The two main characters represent this dichotomy and, through their friendship, they find a balance that is essential and love that is enduring. The cartoon is not intended to be religious; rather it represents the archetypical seeker in society striving for meaning in an often-complex world.
hole mole

Hole Mole  reminds us not to take the drama too seriously, or else we may miss the fun – the only true tragedy.


Source: Holy Molé Cartoon