Proud to be


The highlight of my mornings going to school in the Philippines is singing the national anthem.  Then we all can start our day of studying.

We all go out in the courtyard, dress up in our uniforms, with our right hand on our left chest, eyes fixed on the flag, a conductor moving her hand the three-quarters beat,  and we sing with feelings and gusto. In doing so, this is how we learn patriotism to the country and flag of the Philippines.

Even the lyrics alone makes me feel the freedom and pride how my ancestors fought hard to gain our independence.

Land of the morning
Child of the sun returning
With fervor burning
Thee do our souls adore.

Land dear and holy,
Cradle of noble heroes,
Ne’er shall invaders
Trample thy sacred shores.

Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds
And o’er thy hills and seas;
Do we behold thy radiance, feel the throb
Of glorious liberty.

Thy banner dear to all hearts
Its sun and stars alight,
Oh, never shall its shining fields
Be dimmed by tyrant’s might.

I must say, I love the Philippine National Anthem. It was first written in Spanish, then translated in Filipino, and finally in English, a total of three versions versions you can listen here.

Symbols on the Flag of the Republic of the Philippines:

  •  Blue – peace, truth, and justice.
  •  Red – patriotism and valor.
  •  White triangle – equality and brotherhood.
  •  Three stars on the corners of the triangle – the three main geographical regions of the country namely Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
  •  Sun at the center of the triangle – eight rays representing the eight Philippine provinces that started the revolt against Spain that symbolize unity, freedom, people’s democracy and sovereignty.

Very brief background:

  •  Spain ruled the Philippine for 300 years. Magellan discovered the Philippines. Catholicism is the main religion due to the Spanish Rule.
  •  America came to the Philippines.  An outbreak of war ensued between Spain and America.
  •  Spain surrendered the Philippines to the America.
  •  Philippines revolted against America.
  •  America proclaimed that Philippines’  independence is the 4th of July.

Just a minute now, Philippines does not want the America’s national day of holiday. They wanted their own date to fall on June 12.  Finally, America approved it  on August 4, 1964 that the Philippines’ National Independence is June 12.

I am a Canadian now but deep in my heart, I am still a proud Filipino.

Philippine Independence Day

Since the beginning of June, the Filipino community is celebrating the Philippine Independence. 
A brief background:  The Filipinos revolted against the Spanish in 1896;  followed with an outbreak of  war between Spanish and American.  With the help of Americans, Philippine gained its independence on June 12, 1898. 
In Vancouver, several venues were going on: 
Raising of the Philippine flag at the Vancouver City Hall
Raising the Flag

Raising the Flag

Waterfront Party for two days 
North Shore Waterfront

North Shore Waterfront

Traditional Dancing 

Traditional clothing 
Traditional Clothing

Traditional Clothing

Behind these pictures is the Paparazzi aka my brother and the mayor 

National Anthem – Filipino language with English translation 
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