Tell Tale Signs

In my younger days, I worked for an advertising agency with a bunch of imaginative folks. Advertisements are meant to entice you with positive results for the clients. Not you. Fooled you, huh?

Bus board

I love signs. Reading them and twisting the meaning of it tickles my brain.


Give me a sign. If it’s crazy enough, they are added to my collections. They could make up a good conversational pieces.


True story: On my way to church, I was lamenting and praying a silent soliloquy. My mind went on and asked God to answer my prayers. Suddenly, a sign showed up and stopped me in my tracks: “Don’t worry about me. Worry about your eyebrows.” I laughed so hard on the way to mass.

Map guide starting from France to Santiago de Compostela

And there are signs that are not obvious.


A stagette in Las Vegas, supporter of LGBTQ, Blessings (raised hands) and four generations.

And finally, a sign for life.

“Life is very short and there’s no time for fussing and fighting, my friend.”

To Frame and ReFrame

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most of my travel photos are in a storage box that I hardly looked at. That’s the thing about travelling. I take photos and forget about them. What I treasure most are the memories of meeting people from all over the world doing the same thing I do. To go boldly and experience life.

Passing a bridge walking along Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela Route

If I could share a message with the world about the pilgrimage I went to, what would it be? I don’t know. Unless, someone is keen on understanding what a pilgrim is, maybe, just maybe, I’ll gladly share my reflections.

Rose Prince Pilgrimage 2023

That’s my kind sister, my personal tour operator who took me to see Rose Prince’s annual pilgrimage. I wanted to take this window frame with her in it.


Lucy loves her sundrops. And I love watching her sleep peacefully. Her ears twitch once in a while. The shadow of her ears made it look like she has four of them.

Frame of Washoom in Pool Area

The renovation of the pool area is in full swing all week. The framework of the changing room is exposed to the elements. For 32 years of living at the Manor, I’ve never used the swimming facilities.

“Surrender isn’t a sacrifice of the known, but rather a celebration of the infinite.” -Nipun Mehta


Grace surrendered to the sound of the commotion of reconstruction in our backyard. She finally came out of her hiding places. I think she misses the framed pictures.

“I’ve found that there is always some beauty left – in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.” -Anne Frank

For the past five years, the garden is my pilgrim destination. Right here in my backyard.


About You

Tell me which place on Earth are you dancing 💃?

My place is Quezon City, Philippines.

I could dance with Matt anytime, feel the joy of being alive and remember we are all the same.

If all the days come to pass Are behind these walls I’ll be left at the end of things In a world kept small

Travel far from what I know I’ll be swept away I need to know I can be lost And not afraid

You should be writing!

Read. It’s a good place to practice reading, in small context unlike reading a thick novel such a War and Peace.

Cats. Could never have enough of them. Got to see all the crazy cat people’s pics, vids and reels.

Humor. It’s the balm of the soul. I just saw this today.

Block. Block all NEWS. Heh… ignorance is bliss.

Follow me, follow you. Is that how it works?

How do you use social media?

Good Boy

If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?

Lucy, you are such a good girl. Thank you for staying with me for all these years.

Grace, you are so sweet. How can I even get mad at you with that mischievous face.

Adi, Mr. Magoo, you are such a fur baby, soft to touch. Give me a hug with that mean face that doesn’t suit you.

Just for today, I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will look as good as I can, dress accordingly, talk softly, act courteously and not interrupt when someone else is talking. Just for today, I’ll not improve anybody

Me: I will take this as a compliment.

Today is National Compliment Day. Go ahead and compliment one another.

Come Yuletide

As far as business is concerned especially the malls, Yuletide starts as soon after Halloween.

Come Yuletide, the balsam fir is a prime choice for the role of Christmas tree.—Neal Clark

There are so many stories to be told during Christmas gatherings. There is but only one good story written in letter on Christmas Eve 1914 by a soldier…


I have just been through one of the most extraordinary scenes imaginable. To-night is Xmas Eve and I came up into the trenches this evening for my tour of duty in them. Firing was going on all the time and the enemy’s machine guns were at it hard, firing at us. Then about seven the firing stopped.

I was in my dug-out reading a paper and the mail was being dished out. It was reported that the Germans had lighted their trenches up all along our front. We had been calling to one another for some time Xmas wishes and other things. I went out and they shouted “no shooting” and then somehow the scene became a peaceful one. All our men got out of their trenches and sat on the parapet, the Germans did the same, and they talked to one another in English and broken English. I got on top of the trench and talked German and asked them to sing a German Volkslied, which they did, then our men sang quite well and each side clapped and cheered the other.

I asked a German who sang a solo to sing one of Schumann’s songs, so he sang The Two Grenadiers splendidly. Our men were a good audience and really enjoyed his singing.

Then Pope and I walked across and held a conversation with the German officer in command.

One of his men introduced us properly, he asked my name and then presented me to his officer. I gave the latter permission to bury some German dead who are lying in between us, and we agreed to have no shooting until 12 midnight to-morrow. We talked together, 10 or more Germans gathered round. I was almost in their lines within a yard or so. We saluted each other, he thanked me for permission to bury his dead, and we fixed up how many men were to do it, and that otherwise both sides must remain in their trenches.

Will try and write more in a day or two. Keep this letter carefully and send copies to all. I think they will be interested. It did feel funny walking over alone towards the enemy’s trenches to meet someone half-way, and then to arrange a Xmas peace. It will be a thing to remember all one’s life.

Kiss the babies and give them my love. Write me a long letter and tell me all the news. I hope the photos come out all-right. Probably you will see them in some paper.

Yours, Jake

Source: Letters of Note

Image Source: Internet unknown

Super Heroes

Be proud of your heroes and show the starbursts in your life. Wear your heart on your sleeves.


His van was covered with superheroes toy each representing a character in the Bible. Stickers galore … “ Smile. Jesus Loves You. (Yah, and me too.)

He told me his story. Fascinating man. More lucid than me. He’s a fool for Christ’s sake and proud of it.


Now. Don’t Wait.

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.

I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other people’s gardens
And learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.

But maybe I ought to practise a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

Warning by Jenny Joseph

Truth. Reconciled.

The sign states: “No Trespassing, Private Property”. What a strange sign when there is a church in this land? How can I attend the church as a stranger in this property when it is situated in the middle of an Indian Reserve?

Took all my courage to trespass in a deserted street and I was cautious of my surrounding. I felt that there were eyes looking at me as I walked along the street and to my relief I saw a gray nun heading toward the church.

I felt much better when I was inside the church. The congregation was mostly Native Indians and elders. Much to my surprise, they were very hospitable to me. I felt at home. Soon, I became a regular every Sunday Mass at St Paul’s Church of North Vancouver for a short period.

Here I met Starr. She is kind to me and a little bit on a serious side. I told her that I was just passing through on my way to Thailand to do volunteer work. Starr confided that one day she would like to do an altruistic work. I said by the grace of God, it will happen, just keep praying about it. That was year 1998.

Before I left the church, there was an activity of hanging a star on a Charlie Brown Tree. Anyone can take part to hang a star and share what it means to her or him. Then Starr came to me and lead me to where the tree was. She pick up a star and hanged it.

She introduced me to the congregation that the star represents me as her “hero” because of what I embarked to do in Thailand. I was a surprised by her kindness.

When I came back home to Canada, Starr has obtained a home. Her plan is to help out destitute troubled women. The house will be a recovery home for addicted women. I helped her a bit on some legal papers. I provided her with boxes of books from my own collections of religious books for her house. As a present, I gave her a meditation book “God in All Things by Anthony de Mello”.

Then life got in a way.

I’ve lost in touched with Starr until one night in 2010,I was watching the evening news. The news was the Courage to Come Back Award presented by Coast Mental Health. They called a name that is so familiar to me, Starr Peardon, a recipient of the award.

Oh my goodness, I have to watch this, dropped everything and glued watching the television.
There is so little I know of Starr. As far as I’m concerned she’s a beautiful person and I never once asked her what her background is. Then I learnt her story from the news.

Starr was a drug addict, drug dealer and a criminal. She was in and out of jail and gave up her children to foster care. However, it was in the correctional facility where she had her conversion.

In an article written in The Province Newspaper, I quote:

It was while doing time at the old Burnaby Correctional Centre for Women that the jail’s chaplain, Hank Smidstra, prayed over her while she detox.

“This strange thing happened. It was like a warmth. Like God put his arms around me. I didn’t believe in God,” said Peardon. She woke up the next day and knelt on the concrete floor

“I prayed to a God I didn’t believe in. I swore and I cried and that same peace descended on me. That was my conversion experience,”

With her conversion experience, Starr was able to fulfill her dream. “Talitha Koum”, meaning “little girl, rise” is the house for “broken women”, a place of healing. Countless women have turned around their life with her help. It is going strong until now.

On March 31, 2012, we celebrated Starr’s retirement party. And she has all the reason to smile for being an instrument of God. And I have all the reason to smile outward and inward when I think of her.

God bless you, Starr Pedron. She found her truth. She reconciled.

Today, we are celebrating the vast Truth and Reconciliation with the Indian Affairs that happened in Canada.

Sunday Snippet

This is supposed to be a reblog but I am having difficulty doing it in my second generation iPad.

The source is from friarmusing, I call him FrG as a term of endearment, short for Fr. George.

His writings are enjoyable to read and exceptionally good reads. This post is about a list of reading materials.

This post is by no means complete, thorough, or makes any claim to being the last word. It is just a slice of what is out there on September 4th that caught my eye, looked interesting, and so I gave it a read. Maybe you will too.

▪Worried About Breakthrough Infections? Here’s How to Navigate This Phase of the Pandemic – New York Times.

▪Long-Haulers Are Fighting for Their Future – The Atlantic

▪Six Important Questions About Booster Shots Answered – Smithsonian

▪The Coronavirus Could Get Worse – The Atlantic

▪Pandemic Psychology – The Guardian

The Pandemic Psychology from The Guardian surprised me. As I dig deeper, a Canadian Psychiatrist from UBC Department of Psychiatry published an article that I never encountered in our news media written by Steven Taylor in 2018 pre-covid era. I have so much respect for this department because they helped me reshape my faulty thinking due to brain disorder.

He interpreted that pandemics “are essentially a psychological phenomenon and about the behaviors, attitudes and emotions of people” and that “the psychological footprint is bigger than the medical footprint”.

That, Taylor says, is not to downplay the significance of the disease to those that have become sick or died, but that many more people have been psychologically affected. The analysis was fleshed out in another academic paper, published in Canadian Psychology, in which he wrote that “pandemics are not simply events in which some harmful microbe ‘goes viral’”.

He wrote: “Psychology plays a central role in pandemics, influencing the spreading and containment of diseases, and shaping pandemic-related distress and socially disruptive, divisive and potentially harmful phenomena such as panic buying, racism and protests against pandemic mitigation restrictions.”

Lesson learned: Sunday sermon is not all about the Gospel.

Talking to myself.

Layla, my three year old grand niece, talks to herself all the time. Her imaginary friend, Snowflake, is there for her. She gathers her little dolls, steals her brother’s red convertible car, and she makes sure Mother Mary and Infant Jesus are included to go for a wild ride. For the grownups, we encourage her in this chimerical stage.

Today, I decided to get up when the alarm went off set for 8:30 am. Normally, I snoozed the alarm and return to sleep. That’s a good thing because my sister emailed me that she’s coming over after nine. The door is always open in my sanctuary.

There’s so much ideas to exchange with my brainiac sister to save the world. We ended discussing about her 71 year old friend who started talking to herself. It’s a bit worrisome when adults behave this way.

However, I want to stay with the first thought when I read the word fanciful:

If you’re feeling fancy free
Come wander through the world with me
And any place we chance to be
Will be a rendezvous

The Grace of finding Veronica Shoffstall

Having different names can be inspirational. I, for example, have used many names from Seeker to Pilgrim to Perpetua. Then there is Grace.

I have posted “Plant your own garden, decorate your own soul” twice. The poem has been an inspiration to so many. However, it has been attributed to so many names such as Jorge Luis Borges, Shakespeare and Veronica Shoffstall.

Jimmy and GG

After a while, you learn the subtle difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul And you learn that love doesn’t mean security, And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts And presents aren’t promises.

Grace found the poem posted in three different occasions at Ravenous Butterflies in Facebook attributed to Veronica Shoffstall. In the first post, Grace being ungraceful commented insisting that it was written by Borges. A Ronnie Shoffstall was inspired to reply that she and Veronica are the same. Still Grace is skeptic

On the second post, a quote showed up in Ravenous Butterflies:

So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for some to bring you flowers.” ~ Jorge Luis Borges

Grace commented: Kindly give us the full quote of Jose Luis Borge. And Butterflies obliged attributing it to Borges.

Pandemonium ensued that Veronica Shoffstall is the author commented by many.

Therefore, Butterflies changed the author to Shoffstall. Fair enough since it was originally posted as Shoffstall.

Enter Grace commenting again since she is so inspired by this poetry attaching it to her photos as an avid gardener.

“Ravenous Butterflies, what made you change the name of the writer from Borges to Shoffstall.”

Grace is the ability to redefine the boundaries of possibility. ~ MANNING MARABLE


And you begin to accept your defeats With your head up and your eyes open, With the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child. And you learn to build all your roads on today, Because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain. And futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

The following is the conversation in Ravenous Butterflies third post between Grace Siglos and Ronnie Shoffstall (in italic).

RS: because Veronica A. Shoffstall is the author of this poem. Sr. Borges wrote a different poem, and someone (who would get pimples and hemorrhoids) taked my poem onto it.

GS: word for word added a few lines, wart and all, I suppose anyone can call it theirs. Just like I said, I wish the dead could speak. ( GS and RS had a previous conversation before in the first post).

RS: So do I, my fried. So Do I.

GS: unfortunately Jorge Lois Borges died when the poetry showed up written in English.

RS: Like I said, if you really want to know, do some honest research with the facts I’ve provided. Otherwise, please don’t spread misinformation. It’s hurting me.

GS: I am not spreading misinformation and I am not the only one that is questioning the validity of the poetry. I am hurting as well.

RS: So check it out. Satisfy yourself.

GS: hahaha … not buying your response. YOU have to provide th facts since it’s in your name.

Maple Tree

After a while, you learn that even sunshine Burns if you get too much. So you plant your own garden and decorate Your own soul, instead of waiting For someone to bring you flowers

RS: I have done. I will do again and again. *First published in The Ivy, yearbook of SUNY Mohawk Valley. 1972 Yearbook was late, so it was delivered in a boxed edition, with my poem beautifully printed on a piece of parchment.

This must have made this easy to copy, distribute, or hang on refrigerator doors. It made its way around the SUNY system and eventually showed up without my name.

By December 1982, it had found its way to the syndicated Ann Landers Advice Column. My mother was a dedicated Ann Fan and called me, all excited, when my poem appeared in the column, someone asking who wrote it. I was in contact with Ann Landers office at the Chicago Tribune, and Ms. Landers posted my poem many times afterward, correctly and properly attributed, calling it, in her book WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, one of her most requested items.

Since then it has been published in more than 40 books, ranging from a Jewish book of advice, a quilters manual, a lesbian live novel, and a Christian marriage manual, and in several novels. It was even recited in its entirety in a played called, NANTUCKET SLEIGH RIDE, by John Guarre. Each of those authors found me, researched me, and requested my consent. An excellent calligrapher. Sherry Locker, markets my poem and gives me a percentage of the profits to the Polycystic Kidney Foundation, a disease my brother, sister, dad, aunt and uncles, as well as myself, all experience(d).

People started showing up claiming this poem, changing this poem, or asking my permission to corroborate on a better version of my poem. Several have been given permission to set it to music. I haven’t made as much money from this poem (maybe $500 since 1982?) as I’ve spent to defend it, with a lawyer who told me it would be like “gathering feathers in the wind”. So now I depend on angels who know the truth about this poem’s creator and defend the truth.

You asked for this, Grace Siglos. I hope I don’t have to say all this again. I don’t know who makes up a story like this, but if it sounds MORE LIKELY TO YOU that I would put my name in the work of a FAMOUS poet, then you are certainly have freedom of belief. You are one of those blasted feathers in the wind.

GS: thank you. You should do more that this and write to the copyright powers to clear your name. Plus post it on your FB and your blog site. If I am the real writer, I wouldn’t be mad and start name calling but be thankful that this piece of poetry is associated with famous writer. It’s all a blessing similar to Madame Currie’s invention and became a Nobel Prize Winner.

RS: Grace, I think the only thing I called you was a feather in the wind. I apologize if my tone was filled with frustration and indignance but I’ve been dealing with this a very long time. I don’t have children so this poem is my only thing that will outlive me. I rarely ask for money, usually a signed copy of the book (I have KISS ME LIKE A STRANGER, by Gene Wilder!) or tickets to the play by Mr. Guarre (it sucked btw). Anyway I appreciate that you a seeker of truth — I belong to the Baha’i Faith and we’re big on that. And I’m an American, which at least proclaims itself to be. So I did not mean to offend you and I’m sorry if I did. I was just frustrated . And since you forced me to write all this out, I’ll save it so I don’t have to keep doing it. So thank you, Grace.

Bouquet of flowers

And you learn that you really can endure… That you really are strong, And you really do have worth And you learn and learn and learn. With every goodbye, you learn.

GS: I can understand your frustration. My background is mostly validation on facts, figures, science, legal and strength of materials. I have strong faith as well. You still have time to send notification without costing you to clear confusion as I mentioned above. BTW, thanks for visiting my site.

If any consolation to you, the Spanish community vehemently saying this is not the work of Borges or Shakespeare but yours. I doubt Shakespeare wrote this. Gosh, you’re famous amongst these literary writers. I suppose people are looking for Veronica and not Ronnie where the confusion lies.

RS: It’s crazy. Jorge Luis Borges has books of poetry, he’s got biographers! He’s an esteemed, productive poet! It boggles my mind that there is any confusion at all. I guess I should be honored, but it really makes a problem for me, particularly because it is already in so many books and publications. I hate that anyone thinks I’M the plagiarist.

GS: Just like I said the confusion lies on the name between Ronnie and Veronica. Hope you pinned a note on your FB and blog sites that Ronnie/Veronica is the same person.

In the meantime, Grace found the yearbook with the poetry, provided it to Butterflies that is was written by Ronnie Shoffstall and change the name to clear the confusion.

RS: Thank you, but my name is Veronica. Ronnie is a pretty standard abbreviation. Please don’t change my name. Ronnie is what my friends call me. It’s my “home name”. As far as the bank, the government, my insurance companies, and other matters of importance, I’m Veronica. If you are my friend you can call me Ronnie, but Veronica wrote the poem, copyrighted the poem, and attributed to the poem. None of my important papers say Ronnie. I doubt that my nickname was the problem. But thank you for your concern.

GS: To end this on a good note. Here’s the message I received from Centro Jorge Luis Borges Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno Republica Argentina:

I am writing to you in order to answer mail that I send you above the message.

By this means, I have to say that the text that you have sent us does not belong to Jorge Luis Borges and of course is not part of his Complete Works.

I think, is just a fake text that apparently appears in a page of googlereads (goodreads) as many others.

Best regards,
German Alvarez

Plant your own garden

My gardening days are winding down Inspiration to garden lives on passing it down

What’s it like to be a Canadian

~ Ninety percent of population is massed within 100 miles of northern American border.

~ Seems not to mind that one of its provinces has turned almost entirely French.

~ Excessive politeness only makes sense as cover for something truly sinister. But what?

~ Citizens seem strangely impervious to cold.

~ Decriminalization of marijuana and acceptance of gay marriage without corresponding collapse of social institutions indicate Canada may, in fact, be indestructible.

~ Has infiltrated entertainment industry with singers, actors, and comedians practically indistinguishable from their American counterparts.

~ Consistently stays just below cultural radar yet never quite disappears.

~ Parliamentary government and common-law judiciary appear to function acceptably yet remain completely inscrutable.

~ Never had a “disco phase.”

~ Seemingly endless supply of timber, donuts, and Scotch-plaid hats with earflaps.

~ Keeps insisting it “has no designs on America” and “only wants peace.”

~ Plays a mean game of pond hockey.

According to McSweeney: REASONS TO FEAR CANADA


All Things Bright and Beautiful

Resident Ladybug in Basil

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures, great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Resident Hummingbird in my backyard

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.

Kitsilano Beach, Vancouver, Canada

The purple-headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset, and the morning,
That brightens up the sky;

Bumper crop

The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.

The world is our playground

The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day.

He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

Alexander, Cecil Frances (1828 – 1895) wrote this poem to help explain to children the Apostles’ Creed’s opening words, a Christian statement of belief. She was known to be a generous woman who cared for the poor and opened a school for the deaf with her sister.

Epic Lines

jose fuster

In the galaxy far, far, away … someone said this epic line:

“May the force be with you” became a famous line on the 4th of May. Hence, we sometimes use this line “May the 4th be with you!”

The Star War saga has so many lifelines that we can use as tools to improve the human race namely:

  • Once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny  – Yoda on Fate
  • Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering – Yoda on Consequences.
  • In a dark place, we find ourselves and a little knowledge lights our way. Yoda on Problem-solving
  • The fear of loss is a path to the dark side – Yoda on Anxieties
  • Who’s the more foolish; the fool or the fool who follows him? – Obi-Wan Kenobi on Obedience
  • The ability to speak does not make you enlightened. Qui-Gon Jinn on Silence
  • I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die. Qui-Gon Jinn on Inaction
  • Your focus determines your reality. Qui-Gon Jinn on Perception
  • Let go of your hate. Luke Skywalker on Freedom
  • Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. Anakin Skywalker on Compassion

And of course, this the famous line I use all the time:

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

The Good That We Do

For small hands, the best musical instruments for kids to learn are drums, xylophone, pianos, handbells, etc.

For adults, simple pots and pans, spoons, or carpenter’s saws are just as good as a violin in having a jig.

The question is: who is first and foremost instrumental in providing this innovative music lessons? The parents, family, adults, teachers, of course!

Yesterday, I mentioned that my nephew is a music teacher. He has to go beyond teaching in front of the students by providing a recorded lesson plan.


Watching him perform solo with no audience is so inspiring. And this was his introduction:

(Piano introduction)
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, boys and girls.
Welcome to music class, distance learning style.
We miss you all very much.
We wish we could see you in person and experience music together.
It’s so much fun.
But for now, we will be learning music this way.
(piano playing)
In a very different way.
(piano playing)
But, the cool part is, you get to experience it with your family.
Maybe even alone, which is also just as much fun.
Now, when you listen to music by yourself,
sometimes you hear things that you may not catch when with a group.
Those are the best thing about music.
(piano playing)


Reminder ~ Slow Me Down, Lord

In order for me to live calmly in a fast paced environment, I scheduled a reminder notice on my computer.  It pops up every 30 minutes.  A simple note to myself: “Slow Me Down, Lord.” 
The full meaning of this came from another clipping I know not where it came from.  It’s very old and faded.  Before it will fall into pieces, I wish to share it with you. 
slow me down


Let the game begins

When a child starts to discover little things, they are full of wonders.  One game I love playing with a child is: 
“Where’s your belly button?” 
“Show me your belly button.” 
Since the child does not understand words, the game turns into a “show and tell”. 
Exposing my belly and say: “See, belly button”. 
Doing it for at least three or five times, the child mimics and starts looking for his own belly button. 
Where is your belly button
 And the game begins….

Find your place on Earth and Dance!


Quezon City, Philippines is where I grew up. Now I live in Vancouver, beautiful British Columbia, Canada. And where are you from?

I could dance with Matt to this beautiful music of Garry Schyman feat. Alicia Lemke – Trip the Light, fell the joy of being alive and remember that we are all the same.

If all the days come to pass
Are behind these walls
I’ll be left at the end of things
In a world kept small

Travel far from what I know
I’ll be swept away
I need to know I can be lost
And not afraid

She touched me.


The Death Project

Smelling the roses! These ones have a divine, spicy tea scent (photo: Roy Cross).

Susan Jeanne Briscoe
November 13, 1966 – August 31, 2018

Susan was a teacher and researcher at Dawson College in Montreal when she fell ill. After her terminal diagnosis, Susan created The Death Project, a blog in which she beautifully and honestly wrote about living and dying. The blog has touched tens of thousands of readers from all over the world.


via On Susan’s Death

How do we reconcile? We hope…


“We hope that your faith inspires you to be just, loving, humble and merciful. We hope that your faith inspires you to encourage the church to be more just, more loving, more humble and more merciful.” “We hope you find … Continue reading

Happy Nurses Week – love being one ♥️💞


This gallery contains 1 photo.

She posted Happy Nurses Week – love being one ♥️💞 on Facebook For her, being a nurse is a vocation, not a job. She’s a ped, short for Paediatric Nurse. It’s in her nature. I’ve listened to her countless stories what it’s like to take … Continue reading

Viola Desmond’s Place in History.


I love her face the first time I saw her. It was a week-long education series for The Voice of Our Members that Viola Desmond was introduced to us. Born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia. An African-Canadian woman. The … Continue reading

Setting the record straight


Women play an essential role in the world. For without the woman’s womb, we are not born. Rejoice and be thankful. – Perpetua

Perpetua and Felicity

Perpetua and Felicity

We celebrate the lives of some remarkable female saints this week, and today, we remember saints Perpetua and Felicity. These remarkable women were early third-century, African martyrs were of great significance in the life of the early Church. They were condemned as Christians by the Roman authorities and sent to the public arena, to be mauled by wild animals. However, they survived and were then taken to be executed by the sword. Their story was widely circulated secretly throughout the early Christian congregations, giving encouragement in the face of adversity. They were martyred for their faith on this day in the year 203.  – Pray As You Go

In Praise of Books


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  It was a stormy windy night that I ended at Vancouver Public Library for shelter and kill time on my way to a concert. I am not the only one seeking refuge here. From the main floor, the children’s … Continue reading

The Person and The Saint


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Historically, Birgitta and Saint Birgitta are not really the same person. It is difficult at times to know what parts are historically accurate and which part is the image of the saint. As a person, Birgitta was born in 1303 … Continue reading

This is my home. Proud to be Canadian.


“Ito ang bahay ko” Filipino translation for “This is my home.”

It’s a land of hope, a land of peace
It’s a place where people can be free
I proudly call this land my own
Oh Canada! This is my home.

Words don’t fit the picture


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To see the Haley’s comets from Vancouver was FANTASTIC! Still remember the days I saw it. Too bad that was the time I do not own a single media to capture the image. Really? You didn’t even get one shot!!!!!? … Continue reading

Life is full of surprises


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Who would know where life would take you. We make plans, we check it twice, we cross our t’s and dot our i’s, we invest all our energy and yet, we could never be sure. My mother said many times … Continue reading

Shipwreck from fantasy to reality

A blank piece of paper is transformative. Look at it and you can repurpose it by splashing colors of  broken lines to circles. White is an absence of color and black has too much pigmentation. There are only three basic colors: red, yellow and green. What do you see?

Basic Color by Siglos

At the Cenacle Convent

On a busy street of West 12th and Granville, I see cars with its tailpipe spewing exhaust gasses; he sees dragons breathing fire and brimstone. Is his mind broken? No. Or is my imagination eschewed? Yes.

Of Cars and Dragon by Siglos

Of Cars and Dragon

Lots of things are invisible, but we don’t know how many because we can’t see them. What we see are the good and the bad, the rich and the poor, the saint and sinners.  With him, he can only see the goodness of others as they march by.

The Apostles by Siglos

When the Saints go marching by

For other people, his life has turned up-side down. With that thought in mind, he literally took the word, reinvented the meaning of it, applied it to his last name and no matter how you read it up or down, it will always read SIGLOS.

Up/Down by Siglos

Which way is Up?

So, what is the purpose of life. There is no single purpose. We just have to keep repurposing our talent and be of service to all.

New Westminster City Page

Of Service to the Seniors

Prognosis: Bipolar

What adults don’t know


As a first-year teacher, I worried about how much I didn’t know about my students. I explained to them that I wanted to get to know them better. I wrote, “I wish my teacher knew . . .” on the board and asked them to complete the sentence.

Each student’s response was unique. They responded with honesty, humor, and vulnerability. Sometimes their notes talked about their favorite sport. Sometimes students complained about conflict with siblings or friends. They wrote about their home life and the people who meant most to them. Sometimes they articulated their hopes for the future and sometimes they explained obstacles they were facing. After completing this lesson, I was amazed at how well it helped me connect with my students. Their notes became a tangible reminder for me to truly listen to the voices of students in my classroom.

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Imagine a world in which every child’s potential is valued; where every child receives the excellent education they deserve. What would our government look like? What would our neighborhoods look like? What would our schools look like? What would our classrooms look like? What would school be  like if we asked students to tell us what we adults don’t know?

Source: Excerpt from I wish my teacher knew by Kyle Schwartz

“It’s good because it’s good ― really good.”


Kaylee Rodgers, a student who has autism and ADHD, sang the solo part for the famous tune during her school choir concert at Killard House School in Donaghadee, Northern Ireland.

Rodgers’ voice is stunningly beautiful ― and she exudes confidence while she sings with her classmates.

Source: Huffington Post: Kaylee Rodgers

Let the children play


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Children nowadays play with technology. It’s quiet this way. Only the adults are noisy from telling stories, asking too many questions, laughing and plenty of dark jokes targeted at you.  One has to have broad shoulders to deflect shady puns … Continue reading

Think, Listen, Wait, Try, Earn, Forgive


There is always a reason whatever that may be. But thoughts are funny for some reasons just do not make sense.

I will use myself as an example. And this is the bubble of my thoughts.

I post. I trash. I post. I trash. Repeat.

Can I anticipate the maddening process of my brain? Yes, most of the time.

I wonder if Hemingway’s bubbling thoughts is similar to me. Did he learn to forgive?

Finding Advent at the Inn


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Yesterday’s destination at the Quay is to attend a conference at the Inn. It’s a conference that most people would shy away from attending since the main focus is people with (dis)abilities. People with vision impairment and hard of hearing, with walking … Continue reading

Bringing back fond memories


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Today marks the first day of advent. A day of excitement filed with hope and grief. But hope trumps! It’s Not This Time of Year Without… a message of hope, everlasting hope. The message is to step out of our head … Continue reading

The Power of Tiny


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When I was a tiny girl, everyone looks gigantic. But this story is not about me. The story started when I was a tiny girl watching my sister sew clothes for a living. I remember she kept a little statuette tucked … Continue reading

Theology of Dylan’s Songs


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I was only seven years old when Mr. Tambourine man played a song for me. Didn’t really pay too much attention to his music until yesterday. All day, I listened intently to the lyrics of his music, realized he is drawn … Continue reading

Far away from home, make it memorable.


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It’s not even a day, I miss them already; my family, friends, neighbors, cats, and the comfort of home. Leaving them behind to travel for my annual pilgrimage creates a nostalgic moment. Far away from home, I want to make … Continue reading

…anyway. One tough act to follow.


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This is the original version of Mother Teresa’s “Do it anyway” posted here written by Dr. Kent M. Keith. It is surprising to know that it was part of booklet for student leaders. Mother Teresa’s was re-written for spiritual purposes. In the real world, this is … Continue reading

Through the little things


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He asked a question: How come you never become a nun? Thoughtfully I responded: I did not hear the call. We were discussing about Mother Teresa when she a heard call on the train on her way to Calcutta, “I … Continue reading