Thinking all the time. What am I going to do?

Goodness gracious! How long have I been thinking of getting a new writing device? My computer, iPad and four IPhones are all obsolete.

I kept uttering this hint to my family that all I wanted was a new iPad. I’ll take hand-me-downs.

Finally, yesterday, my brother and I went shopping at the Apple store. Looking at all the gadgets, I was bedazzled with so much new technology.

Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

I got a new iPad Air through the generosity of my brother, To add more joy to this occasion, his son and two friends and my nephew and his girlfriend were at the store. Furthermore, we met up with other siblings for coffee. I tell you, the mall is full of surprises who I will bumped into.

Now.… how the heck am I going to learn how to use this new gizmo?

Hide and Seek

It’s time for me to play a game.  I am really good on playing this by myself because the world is a one big playground.  
You can hide from me and eventually I will find you.  Count from zero to infinitum and eyes wide open.  Surprise me or maybe I will surprise you!

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek


Hi Everyone:  I am away and will try my best to link up with you while I am out walking doing the yearly pilgrimage.

 Take Care and Pax Tecum.  Seeker. 
Related Link: The world is our playground 

Out of Focus

Who can I experiment on this “focus challenge approach”? 
Most people do not want to have their pictures taken.  The last time I took a picture of a person, I swear, no swearing on my part: the person swore at me.  Weeeel…. Excuse me! 
I notice most people take a picture of themselves with their smart camera.  That’s a thought.  I will experiment on me! 
Have I got an App for this challenge?  The iPad that I recently buy that sat in the casing since June will be very useful for this. 

So here are some pictures of my self-portrait.


Noses  noses



Mona LisaMona Lisa


One has to travel full of gadgets nowadays in order to be “in”.  Cell phone, Iphone, Ipads. 
IPads … hmm… doesn’t that require a WiFi? 
I wonder if there’s an internet service in heaven?  



I bought an Apple just for this trip.
I wonder if God let Mr. Job in heaven?
  Mr. Job are you there?.

Apple IPad

Apple IPad

Related Article:  Naramata – God’s country