I took my final Camino step a year-ago today…. Or was it my first step?

Jim could have not said it any better what it’s like to walk Santiago de Compostela. in 1:56 minutes. If you can, take time to take this trip of your life time. I did walk last year and I must say, I am still processing the journey. Thank you for encouraging me, Jim. Blessings.


A year-ago today it was St. James day in Spain; I took my final step of my Camino de Santiago. Little did I know what the next year would bring and where would I be without this experience? Is it true that when you take your final step, a new life-long journey begins with a different view about life?

On my 56 day,  Santiago Cathedral, Spain On my 56 day,
Santiago Cathedral, Spain

I remember the day as I walked by myself to the end of my 56-day journey. My head and heart were filed with an emotion I never knew existed. My heavy backpack felt like feathers. I carried my pack every inch of the way from France through 164 villages to Santiago, Spain; it was over 500 miles. I walked with no money for food, which taught me the true meaning of humility!

As I stood in front of this historic cathedral, I looked at…

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So I have learned the difference between pleasure and joy. Pleasure is external, joy comes from within. Pain, whether psychical or mental is not bad, it can tell me something is right or wrong. However, suffering is always my choice, just as being at peace is. This journey has taught me this difference and most important, for me to know if my thoughts are coming from my head or my heart.


WOW… what an extraordinary experience in my life! The Camino de Santiago is known to produce miracles in your life, and that it did. So much to tell you!

After 56 days of walking and putting on over 500 miles on my shoes, I took my final step in Santiago, Spain.  I did walk every inch of the way, carrying my overweight back pack every step.

I set out with several goals, to save a child’s life in Kenya and to prove that even today people have the compassion to help another in need just as the pilgrims did thousands of years ago. I was right, although I walked with almost no money for food; the pilgrim’s and the people of Spain were more than generous to feed me, not even knowing what my mission was. Yes, there were many nights, I went to bed hungry, but I did not starve.


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