In The Kitchen

“Honey, I’m home.”

“I’m in the kitchen, dear.”

Kitchen Rule

My idea of a house is a big kitchen room. My family tends to gather here all the time since we love cooking and eating. Therefore, we renovated and knocked down walls to have a big open space.

Having no kitchen for a while, we make do with outdoor cooking. Portable hotplate, barbeque grill, smoker and a wasp net.

Outdoor Kitchen

A little bit of discomfort paid and we now have The Kitchen.

My domain

Currently, I’m on the road on a pilgrimage again. We visited Bakerville, BC, a historical site during the gold rush. I can’t imagine living during this era with just the basic kitchen. Can you?

Kitchens at Bakersville

Here are some of the things I found in the kitchen. A coffee maker is a must! A greasy spoon dinner kitchen. A kitchen hotel automatic pancake maker that appears to be a photocopy machine. Yikes. The pancake tasted like paper. And a cat scavenging for food.


I have a small kitchen and this is what it looks like before I left. Cat foods and instructions for the cat sitter.