DP: Clean Slate – Simplicity

“Daily Post: Clean Slate – Explore the room you’re in as if you’re seeing it for the first time. Pretend you know nothing. What do you see? Who is the person who lives there?” 
The place is the tiniest room in a three storey older tenement.  It’s a bachelor suite measuring around 500 square feet or less, big enough for a simple life.
Room 306 is the back part of the third floor of Royal Manor.  She just loves that name and she started feeling regal already.  Seeing the bright living room with balcony, plenty of natural light is very conducive to a healthy living for the new tenant requires natural light in order to survive the long winter ahead.
A balcony, she feels so blessedly rich.  She can picture what plants to grow, eventually.  No animals allowed is the agreement she signed for.  That is just fine by her since she doesn’t want any responsibilities.  All she wants is to take care of herself and live a life of solitude.
The tenant is a minimalist.  All she brought with her is an old bed and three dressers for her clothes.  She loves dressing up.  No sofa, no chairs, no table for she threw in the towel.  A clean slate, a new beginning.
Ah, she can now breathe.  No more stuff that suffocates her life.
Over the years, the room is gradually filling up and it has maintained its simplicity in life.  A sofa, plants, folding dinning table, a cat.  Plenty of light and life. She now loves living the life what God has intended for her. 
Living room

Living room