Canada Day Special

LunchThis is so exciting when we received a broadcast message on Monday from the cafeteria.  Centre Café will be serving a Canada Day Special.  Woo who!0 
Never will I miss this one.  Every year, this is what I look forward to: Crispy Chicken.  I made sure that I ate light breakfast and no snacking between meals  to make sure I will bring my appetite for this feast. 
The cafeteria is decorated with Canadian Flags.  The cooks are all dressed up in red shirt.  Service with a smile.  Love them from the bottom of my stomach.  They are the best. 
Most staff will put in their order ahead of time.  Sorry folks, first come first served.  It’s unfair for the walk ins and order the special only to find out it’s sold out before it even gets served.   So, I went early to the cafeteria to beat the crowd and had my lunch pack to go. 
What a festive environment.  People are now starting to flow in having the same idea as me.  We were just like noisy children eager to have our last meal because it’s the last day at school.  Once this place is filled with staff, it is full of laughter.  A happy bunch of people.  
And here’s a feast fit for a queen.  Ah, Crispy Chicken, Artichoke Salad, Potato Wedge and delicious cake.  I’m eating lunch at my desk to focus and savour this moment.  
Bon appétit!
Crispy Chicken

Crispy Chicken

 This is just too much food for me and I took the rest home for dinner.

Meals on Wheels

Didn’t I just tell you that I prefer to spend outdoors on 30×30 Nature Challenge?  Well, I do.  Even on lunch break, I don’t chin wag with my colleagues and sit around at our lunch room or at the Food Fair.  Instead, I go search for the best Meals on Wheels. 
Hot dog stands.  These kiosks are so popular and the line-up would measure up as long as a football field.  Well, I am exaggerating.  Maybe, there are at least four people ahead of me. 
When it comes to line up, I prefer to entertain myself rather than get cranky waiting to be served because I am so hungry.  All I can think is that MSG on the hot dog.  It is so tasty and salty.  I just love the savoury flavour of a hot dog.  Jumbo dog is the best with all the trimmings. 
Anyway, to entertain myself, I either speak to the person in front or behind me as my victim.  If only they know, tee hee.  
There was this tall person in front of me and I crank up my head to say “Hello up there”.  He was towering over me.  And he seemed to be delighted with my opening line, (this is not a pick up line, ok!) and we started talking.  We talked about this and that.  To be a good conversationalist, I make sure I get the other person talking more that I do.  And he did talked a lot about himself. 
What I remembered the most was how he spent time with his son taking him on a helicopter ride to see an aerial view of Whistler Mountain.  To see the grandeur of the forest, the Gondola moving from one peak to another, the bears running around and to land on the glacier was an experience and a half for his son. 
Our conversation was cut short because he has to order and bid adieu.  That was the end of our intimate brief encounter. 
The following week, hot dog time again.  I just have to get rid of this craving.  There was hardly any line up and I saw this big poster of a man posted on the stand.  I asked the vendor if that is the owner of the stand and that I remember talking to him last week.  
“Do you mean you don’t know this person?” the vendor exclaimed.
“Am I supposed to know him?” I responded with a quizzical facial expression.
“What? Don’t you really know him?” he asked again.
“Does he know who Perpetua the seeker is?” I questioned the vendor. 
The vendor laughed at my retort. 
Guess who that man was.  No other than…. 
2013 May 2 Tom Selleck
 You guess it right.  Tom Selleck. What do I know?  

Related reference:


WPC Lunchtime: Meatless Friday

I always pack my lunch.  Being Friday and feasting on a meatless Friday due to Lent season, the menu is: 
Sautéed mushroom and  canned salmon topped with shallots and garlic
Rice for a little bit of carbohydrates
Cut fresh pineapple
Ambrosia apple to cleanse my palate 
Walla:  Lunch fit for a Princess. 

 Having a brain freeze all day, I did not eat lunch.  I had a couple of oranges instead and went out for a walk.  Should it have been a sunny day, this is my favorite place to eat lunch; with nature. 

 Escargot anyone?
WPC Lunch Mar 15, 2013

 Needless to say, I had my lunch for supper.