Sacred Space

Every time I move to a new residence or work place, I make sure that I create a sacred space.  
A sacred space is an altar that will remind me what is important in my life. 
Since I spend at least 7 hours a day at work, the station that I use is my sacred space and I have an altar on it.  It consisted of an Icon of three Angels and Madonna and child, statue of Virgin Mary, Divine Mercy, dry roses and water from Lourdes.  
Sacred Space
 Looking at the Holy objects give me an assurance that all will be well even during the busyness at work.  Knowing that what I do begins and ends with God gives me a sense of clear conscience.  It is important that I do a good job that is reflective of my faith. 
As for a sacred time of prayer, I have this on the wall of my station. 
Prayer for Peace
 Related Link:   Sunday Snippet

Little Things Mean a Lot

As I sip my coffee this morning, I looked around taking stock of what little that I have in my sanctuary.  I have already shared with you how small Room 306 is in my previous post. 
Come to think about it, there are a few items that are irreplaceable that has so much memories attached to it.  Little things mean a lot that money cannot buy. 
Mother kept this one and only letter that I wrote to her when I was just a mere child.  I only found this when we were going through her belongings when she died.  I should really move this to the bank’s safety deposit box. 
There is a pencil sketch of me that another pilgrim did, he was a Franciscan priest.  I was actually surprised when he called me to sit for him.  Hmm… my dirty mind working.  Mea culpa, he meant well. 
A cutting of the “bamboo plant”, Mother started this as single piece of stick.  Now it has grown big, bloomed and I have given away some cuttings for others.  This is the “Mother” plant.  But then again, how am I going to carry this out. 
I have an altar that has a couple of items that belongs to Mother; they are antiques of Madonna, Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Our Lady of Lourdes.  Mother has a devotion to Our Lady. 
Finally, I want to keep Mother’s fur coat.  I know, fur coat is now passé.  Wearing this occasionally makes me feel the warmth of Mother’s arms around me. 
Wishful thinking in response to Daily Prompt: Burnt.  Come and join us, it’s fun.