Finding Time


Joining a guided walking and sightseeing holiday in Cuba with Walker’s World is not actually a pilgrimage. However, I made sure that I consider it as one for I always consider myself a pilgrim on this earth. Visiting Churches is … Continue reading


Sunrise at Copacabana, Rio de Janiero WYD

Sunrise at Copacabana, Rio de Janiero WYD

Sunrise at Copacabana beach greeted my two nieces together with 3 million youth waiting for the finale of World Youth Day at Rio de Janiero.

I’ll Be Watching You

Excuse me Dear DP, I know today is Sunday, church day for me.  Are you a Priest who wants to hear my confession and absolve my sins?  I feel like I am in a confessional box today. 
I Plead the Fifth.
Seriously, we are talking about deadly sins here.  It’s scary enough that we are constantly under surveillance.  Even public washroom have signs “I’ll be watching you”. By the way, this song is a stalker’s song. Gee, even in the washroom, there is no privacy. 
Talking about watching, I’ll use a softer word: notice.  After Sunday mass, I get so hungry after the service.  You know, that lengthy sermon that one makes you hungry.  Sister #4 and I bee line to the nearest restaurant once a month.  I notice restaurants have cameras, too. 
Here’s a restaurant called Char Grilled and they offer the best T-shirts.  The site of  CharGrilled.
DP Jan 20, 2013 chargrilled
In answer to your post, not biting on this one.  Thank you very much. 
One Minute Meditation:
To a disciple who was forever complaining about others the Master said, “If  it is peace you want, seek to change yourself, not other people.  It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to carpet the whole of the earth.”    Anthony de Mello, 
SJMORSEL:    The paradox of control is simple. The more we try to control life, the less control we have.   –Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. 
This is in response to Daily Prompt: Rule Breaking.  Come and join us, it’s fun.