Your Excused

Here’ a good one. Make sure you read ME’s excuse, that is the best part.

ME and the Boss



“Anyone who truly

knows creatures

may be excused from

listening to sermons,

for every creature is

full of God,

and is a book.”


~ Meister Eckhart


Predator or Prey, Mother Nature supplies each

with their needs,

man is the only creature that

has his wants.

Survival of the fittest may seem cruel,

but there is nothing more cruel than one man

beheading another in the name of religion.

Creatures have compassion, many mate for life,

they are happy to do the will of God,

unlike the ugly creature man

who wants to argue with God.

Today, be happy, get to know Mother Nature

and her creatures.

Happiness is being excused from listening to sermons.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss






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A Changing Moment

Be a messenger.

Me and the Boss 2013


“One simple

act of kindness

can be the life

changing moment

for a person

in need of an

awakening change.”


~ Kelly Young                   ~ WOW ~


God has asked us all to be His messenger

from time to time.

The next time you are asked:

will you be the courier of hope

or the messenger of doom and gloom.

Have faith, know that God will give you the chance,

the choice will be yours.

Today, give a small kindness to everyone you meet

because it may be the message from God

that will awaken a lost soul.

Kindness is a changing moment.

Kindness is the beginning of a life filled with love.


ME and the Boss






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Today, be resolute…

Me and the Boss 2013




and kindness

are not signs

of weakness

and despair,

but manifestations

of strength

and resolution.”


― Kahlil Gibran


We know that compassion begets compassion,

and misery begets misery, so do your part to build

an attitude of happiness and joy and have faith that

a loving Higher Power will give you the strength to carry on.

Today, be resolute, avoid the pitfalls,

the mean people and the slippery places

and go to where love and kindness

are strengths to be admired.

Kindness is a manifestation of strength and resolution.

Kindness is the beginning of a life filled with love.


ME and the Boss






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