I had a dream.

Warm weather and sunny skies permeate Vancouver City. Meanwhile, some parts of Canada are having extreme weather conditions. My neighbour is moving to Edmonton at the end of the month. They may have to wait driving across Canada due to raging forest fire.

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. Good grief, there’s no reason to be soaking wet when I am post-menopausal. It’s hard to return to sleep at 3 or 4 am. Even when I go back to bed, it takes 30 to 60 minutes to fall back to sleep to be woken up by Lucy at 5:30 wanting food. This cat doesn’t stop until she gets what she wants.

Toothsome fella

Sleep deprivation makes me dream vividly. Last night, I fell asleep on the couch watching TV dreaming that there was a man in my flat! It was so scary. I woke up looking at George Constanza’s doing his ‘Art of Seduction’ pose on TV.

How was your weekend?

Meanwhile in Canada

Reading memes, one-liner jokes and satire are tricky. There are a few abrasive ones that made me squirm. But satire won’t always make us comfortable, or even always make us laugh.

These two made me laugh and smile.

“Watching fully vaccinated people scared of unvaccinated people is today’s comedy show”
“Why call it a vaccine passport when you can just call it a covID”

Meanwhile is Canada was once to be a funny site filled with memes and jokes. It can be political and shares its meme with the news. But it went overboard and some readers where aghast.

“this page used to have funny memes. Now it’s just pushing vaccine propaganda and shaming the anti vaccers. It’s terrible. I can follow local news to hear this.”

“This page is quickly becoming political and basically Covid Only content.. we hear and see enough of this on the news, social media, etc. If you aren’t a professional, don’t speak on it like you are.”

“A lot of interesting comments indeed but I do miss the lighthearted/comedic commentary that this group generated. Shout out from Sweden 🇸🇪 ”

“Imagine using your very well known page to spout off on your personal agenda because you know better, even though it should be a personal choice.”

“Meanwhile in Canada again keep your own opinion out of this… ”

It used to bring a smile on my face unfortunately it became a site of hubris.

I made a comment on this post “Meanwhile in Canada About page is “Looking at the lighter side of life in Canada and Canadian politics. Hope you “like”. It! Satire (including comments). Nothing to like here.”

Thank you Meanwhile of Canada for deleting my comment and blocking me. Now I can only share a comment elsewhere. So, I’m sharing.